08: jack

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Of all the things I could have told her, why the hell was my dad is in jail my response? I could have said anything else. I hate ketchup and mayo by themselves but mix them together and I'll dip all my fries and burger in it like it's crack. I had braces for four years as a kid. Sometimes when I'm walking around campus from class to class or on my way to my car, I'll put my headphones in with no music playing just so people don't talk to me. I've never had a girlfriend because I don't believe in love.

But I didn't say any of that.

I told her something I haven't told anyone here except for Dylan, Coop, and Peyton. Sure, Ruby knows that my dad is the reason I don't drink. But I don't really know what she knows and what she doesn't. Quite frankly I don't care so I've never asked.

The only reason anyone besides Dylan knows is because Peyton once answered my phone when he was trying to call. It didn't feel right leaving Coop out so I gave the brief story of what had happened.

Seeing Alondra on the ice this morning was the last thing I expected to happen when I arrived early for my workout with Zeke. I've done my best to not see Coach differently after what she told me, but it's hard not to. I've looked up to him and I see this great guy who did everything to get me out of Texas to give me a real shot at going pro. He's been a surrogate father to me even if he's a hard ass most of the time.

Now? Every time he's praises one of us or checks in to make sure I'm doing alright, I wonder if he does that with Al. It's not my place at all, but I just keep picturing the look on her face when she came to the rink two weeks ago to apologize. She clearly didn't enjoy telling me that their relationship sucks.

But Al did it so I'd believe her that she wanted to apologize for what she had said the night before.

I run a hand over my face to keep the soap out of my eyes, the water from the shower head hitting all the right spots on my sore muscles.


Why did I tell her that?

Most of the guys have already cleared out of the locker room; Coach wanted to talk to me about our pre-season games that are quickly approaching and how we're going to add two afternoon practices a week in addition to another morning skate. I think he wants this as bad as we do.

He hesitated before asking about how tutoring is going and I tried to be as vague as possible, knowing how his relationship is with Alondra. But he's still my coach. There's a fine line to walk here. Thankfully, Coach didn't ask how she's doing. I'm not sure what I would have said if he had asked me that question.

I towel off, quickly getting dressed and I eye the small duffle bag in the bottom of my locker that belongs to Al.

I had no idea she even could skate. Her smile was wider than I'd ever seen it and I wish I hadn't interrupted her. Clearly Al didn't think anyone would walk in on her.

I did my best to try and keep Zeke distracted when he walked out while we were talking, but he picked up on the lack of notes in my hand. I shut it down quickly though and he didn't protest.

My dark sweater is snug and my team jacket is over the top of it to keep some semblance of warmth as I walk out into the chilly sunshine. The walk from the arena to the coffee shop she'd texted me to meet her at is less than five minutes away. It's early enough I don't get caught by someone I don't know so they can ask me about the upcoming season.

She beat me here and is sitting at a table in the back with two coffees in front of her. Alondra's wearing different clothes and her dark hair is hanging down for once instead of pulled back out of her face.

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