12: jack

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My conversation with Momma keeps running through my mind. I obviously didn't want to talk about my suspicions in front of Alondra and everyone else, but fuck. I really needed some advice.

    I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one followed as I step into my room. "Sorry bout that, I didn't want to talk about this in front of the others." I run a hand over my face, trying to comprehend what I suspect.

    "What's going on honey?" Momma's calm voice asks and I shake my head.

    "So you know Al, how she's Coach's daughter and all."


    I shake my head because it doesn't make sense. "She hasn't explicitly said anything, but I think...I think there is someone who is or was hurting her."

    Momma falls silent for a few moments and I sit on the edge of my bed. "That's a very serious thing to suggest."

    "I know. But it makes sense. She had this anxiety attack earlier in the week while we were skating. I um—I grabbed her arm to keep her from running away and Al started hyperventilating. I didn't mean to."


    Fuck. "I know. I know Momma. I didn't mean to. It's not just that though. She insisted that it had nothing to do with Coach, but there's this football player who is friends with Zeke. He came up to me and pretty much told me to stay away from her because Al was his." Who does that? People aren't property.

    "I don't know. Has Alondra explicitly said someone hurt her?" She asks hesitantly and I groan silently.

    "No. It's just the way she acts sometimes. Like this bar we were all at. She saw someone there and needed to leave immediately. I don't know. I want to help Al, but she shuts down if we even approach the topic of the night at the bar. I haven't bothered to bring up the anxiety attack because I don't want to scare her off."

    "It sounds like you really care about her. Just do your best to be there for her and make sure Al knows that she can come to you for help when she's ready for it. Don't do anything rash please." She warns and I wish she had given me better advice. But I'm not sure if it's my place.

    I do care about her. There's something that just draws me to her. Probably helps that our kiss was one of the best I've ever had. Not that I could act on my physical attraction to her. Alondra's too good of a friend now. Plus she's Coach's daughter. Al deserves better than a one night stand from me and that's all I can offer.

    But this? I'm almost certain I'm right about this. And I sure as hell can't talk to Coach about it. I think she'd skin me alive.

    "Yes ma'am." I agree quietly.

    "I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but you're a good man Jack. She's lucky to have you in her life."

    I can't wait for Momma to come visit. I know I sound like a total wimp, but she really is the best. She always knows exactly what to say.

    I walk down the hall of Alondra's dorm room; I probably should have called first, but she left in such a hurry last night that I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her.

    Then Peyton came home pretty messed up so I spent the rest of the night playing babysitter to her.

    We didn't have class together today so I haven't seen her all day. My text earlier went unanswered which is fine. I just want to check on her.

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