author's note

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Well guys, this is it. Another book completed. Crazy to think that it's my third one this year.

I loved writing Jack and Al's story as I feel like it dealt with a lot of really important things along with a beautiful love story. I did struggle in the beginning with finding my footing more than I ever have with a book, but I'm really proud of how it turned out.

Jack and Al are unlike any other couple I've written. Going from Thalia and Sebastian who were all passion and fight to Al and Jack who were understanding and much calmer was weird for me. I always try to make each character individual.

Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments. I know there were some chapters that left you unhappy, but all was rectified in the end (:

As for my next story, I've decided that it will be with a new but familiar set of characters. Heart as Cold as Ice's world will most likely end up having a second book in the future, but at the current moment, my heart is taking me in a different direction.

Chasing After You is taking us back to the sandy beaches in North Carolina that we all know and love.

Chasing After You is taking us back to the sandy beaches in North Carolina that we all know and love

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Mirabelle Walker has accomplished a lot in her twenty years. There's winning a gold medal at the Olympics at the age of seventeen, graduating from her parents' alma matter, Duke University, a year early, and scoring a sports journalism internship with the Carolina Panthers football team. The one thing she hasn't accomplished is falling in love. Well technically that's not the truth. She fell in love with Henry Price, her parents' best friends' son years ago. The only issue there is that he's five years older than her and has never seen her as anything more than a family friend.

Henry Price is in his first season as the starting quarterback for the Carolina Panthers after the recent retirement of the legendary Sebastian Walker. He has some big shoes to fill and because of it, the team manager has decided that he'll have a constant shadow in the form of a team reporter and an intern for a majority of the season to help the public get to know him better. Little does he know that intern will be none other than his childhood friend, Mirabelle Walker, who is a hell of a lot more grown up than he thought.

Will they have a love story that surpasses the one Mirabelle's parents had that she grew up hearing about or will it end in heartbreak and broken dreams?

The book is live and the prologue has been posted on my profile! Updates will be coming soon if you want to add it to your library!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Until next time,
Laurea Matthews xoxo

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