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-------------Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

---------------------------Edwards residence, Same day, 9:30pm.

"Don't you think it's weird that you easily located her?" Farouk asked as I quickly booked a flight to LA.  I honestly thought I wasn't going to have to ever go back there.

" No, Faryah was smart enough to locate her number while they were talking, of course the Miss Hae whatever doesn't know that she tracked her and her network was good" Raihannah answered.

Abbah had informed the police of our new findings and they were on their way here. " Faryah the detective is here" Ummah called as she and Abbah walked hand in hand into the living room. " Good evening sir" I greeted as I got up from where I sat and dropped my laptop.

" Evening ma'am, are you all fine?" He asked as Abbah and Ummah walked to my side.  " we are" Abbah answered as I dried my tears with my scarf. " We are going to be sending all the information we have on this case to the person handling your family's case in Los Angeles. We've alerted them that the green viper is there and they're on the look out for her.  The security in all their borders are going to be tightened and the search for her will begin" Thank goodness. I really hope all this is going to end soon. " What about the woman that tried to kill Aidah?" I asked with a small smile on my face. 

" We're transferring her to the prison in Seoul since she isn't saying anything, miss Faryah, I honestly advice that you stay close to your family at all times. You are in great danger,  you're dealing with a drug cartel and a child trafficking group and you leaving the country could be a great risk, just leave everything to the police..."

" Hold up, wait" I cut him off with a small laugh. " So you want me to stay here and let anxiety kill me while I wait for the police?" They must be kidding me. " Are you joking with me or something?" I asked sternly. " You want me to let the police handle everything?, what have you been doing since?, you couldn't even find those two criminal masterminds and you tell me to wait?. You want me to trust you with my daughters life?. You're joking" I snapped as I looked into the dark eyes of that of the detective. I didn't care if I was being rude or whatever. I was definitely going to involve myself with the rescue of my daughter.

I most definitely wasn't going to sit back like a bag of potatoes and wait for them to put Najmah in my arms. " To be honest, if this woman hadn't called me you wouldn't have found her location and Najmah would be with her for a longer time, you're not doing your best" I raged and stopped to look at him. " Faryah don't say that" Ummah said as she tried to caress my arm but I pushed her away.

" I'm tired of being calm and patient, do you have any idea how I feel going to bed each day with knowing nothing about where my daughter is?. You have no idea. Now that I have a clue on where she is, you think I won't try to find her?" Letting all that out made me feel so good. I had to pour my rage out.  The police weren't doing enough. 

" Miss Faryah, I understand you but it's not easy to track down the location of these kinds of drug lords" He was trying to back himself up.  " Look, I am very much aware of that but you could have gotten something from that woman that tried to kill Aidah"

" But she doesn't want to talk. We tried all kinds of torture we could"

" well all what you could do wasn't enough. I am going to LA and believe me when I say no one is going to stop me, not even you" I snapped and rushed up the stairs to pack my things.

The earliest flight to Los Angeles was by 12:00pm in the afternoon. Najmah needed me and I was going to find her.  Yes the police were doing all what they could but I just felt it wasn't enough. Najmah needed more than their efforts, she needed me to try and save her.  I wasn't doing anything wrong by wanting to save my daughter and Allah was with me. He knew my intention and he was going to help me. 

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