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----------------Rabat, Morocco.

------------------------------Three Months Later, Khayah Farms, 5:00pm.

" Mother used to tell me, if I ever find a good girl, I should never let her go. I'll never let you go Faryah" I heard Khalid whisper in my ear and I responded to him with a big radiant smile. He was holding Najmah in his right arm and our hands were intertwined with his left as we walked together round our huge apple farm in the heart of Rabat while letting the cool spring evening breeze soothe ourselves.


Khalid invested a lot of money in farms around the world, even in Kuala Lumpur. He said he bought a farm for an old man he met when he first came to Malay with Zarah. The man couldn't accept it just like that so they decided to split the ownership. The man owned half and Khalid owned the rest of the half.

Najmah could walk now and as always, she was smiling. She was learning how to talk now, no more baby gibberish. 

I was more than happy that Allah had given me a life I deserved but never asked him for.

Everyone around us was happy and guess what?

Khalifa found his happily ever after.

He met Sandra during our walima and everything has been going well for them since then.

Papa Brandon was getting better but he still had minor episodes. So until his episodes were over for good, he wasn't going to leave the asylum. Mama Zainab always made sure she took care of him there. He also handed over Olyster Textiles to Khalid and told him it was his way of making up to him and Mama Zainab for what he made them go through. Khalid accepted it and handed it over to Ethan. He didn't want to be a business man anymore. My husband was a farmer now.

Miriam was still attending her alcohol support sessions and In Sha'a Allah, soon she's going to be free from alcohol and I was now on good terms with Khalid's father. Khalid still hasn't forgiven him fully but he's trying to adjust.

" You know Faryah, there's something I haven't actually told you" Khalid said as he paused in his heels and turned to face me. " What's that?"

" Neill used to hurt you back then right?, remember?" of course. I was never going to forget how he made me step on broken glass on the first day I arrived at the Olyster mansion. " Yeah I remember"

" well, Neill fell in love with you the first time he saw you on our wedding day" oh wow. " He was upset because he was in love with Sandra then you came into the picture and he became confused. So he tried to see if he could hate you and that was why he hurt you, because he was in love with you"

" wow I never expected that. That's why Sophia said the last thing he said before he left was my name" That honestly explained everything. He was dead now so judging and complaining was going to be of zero use. " Your name was his last word?"

" Yeah that's what Sophia said. She was the only one with him when he passed remember?"

" Yes sure. Of course I remember" He answered and nodded his head.

" That doesn't matter anymore. You're with me now and that's what matters right?"

" of course.  I love you so much Khalid" I said with my right hand in his as I pinched his cheek with my left. " Love you so much more" he answered and pulled me closer to him, giving me a long kiss on my forehead.

I would give anything for this moment not to ever end. It didn't have to. I was with my forever now and hopefully Allah was going to give us long life so we could stay together and see our kids grow, hopefully our great grand kids as well.  Allah has taken my loved ones away, I lost grandpa Musa and I could remember how I was anticipating to see all of them that day. I wasn't expecting it but it happened. That's how death comes. No notice.

Well Allah gave me the patience and courage to deal with all the tests he sent my way.

He took my voice and here I was.

He took Khalid away from me but here we were, side by side.


Allah always takes something from you at a particular time to give something better to you.

Not everything we want is best for us and if Allah wills it, it definitely has to be.

Whether we like it or yes.

" Ummah" That was Najmah's tiny voice. I felt her small hand tap my head and I looked at her with teary eyes. " Khalid you heard her?, she said my name" I chopped as I watched Najmah laugh at my smile. Oh my Allah, she can talk now.

" Well no fair Najmah. Bad Najmah, Bad Najmah" Khalid said as he pouted and poked her cheeks with his finger. I hit him hard on the chest and watched Najmah laugh at him.

" Abbah" She added as she used her palm to slap his face. " Aww"

" now I'm happy" Khalid answered as he kissed her cheek and then mine.

" Alhamdulillah for the family we have Khalid" I said and hugged him super tight. I wasn't planning on letting go.

Perceiving a horrible stench coming from Najmah, I instantly slid out of the hug I gave Khalid and clipped my nose with my fingers and watched Khalid's smile turn into a disappointed frown.

"Oh come on Najmah" Khalid pouted and I watched Najmah laugh at him. She was aware of the effect of what she did and was seriously laughing at him.

I had to laugh along with her. Her laughter is forever going to be contagious.

FaryahDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora