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-----------------Los Angeles, California.

---------------------------------Two days later, Freehand hotel, Los Angeles, 11:00am.

Maybe I should just turn back and leave. I wasn't exactly the person he wanted to see or even talk to in his life so why bother?. He opened the door and I scowled at the sight in front of me. I was once in his shoes.

" Why are you here?" He asked with a growl as I played with my hands in my pockets. " I came to check up on you" I tried my best to stay cool but all I could feel was pity for the guy. No wonder Faryah was sad that they didn't get to talk to properly. " so you came to mock me?"

" Oh no, not at all. I just came to talk to you, man to man" he frowned and tried to slam the door at my face but I was quick to stop him. " Look. I know I am someone you don't want to ever talk to in your life but please hear me out. I really need to talk to you" He squashing me between the door and the wall.

This was all for Faryah's happiness and peace of mind and mine as well.

I had reconciled with Faryah. The love of my life, we were happy again. I never thought it was actually going to happen, you know that I'll see her around me all the time again. She was trying her best to be happy with me but I knew she needed to talk to this dude here before everything could actually be very fine with her before Najmah was found at least.

" What do you want to talk about?" He asked as he let me inside his hotel room and I closed the door right behind me as sat on the neat bed and rubbed his eyes. " First. I owe you an apology and don't think Faryah asked me to come here. She doesn't even know I'm here" I said as I sat beside him, giving us small space apart from each other. " an apology for taking my fiancée away from me?" This was going to be a long talk.

" well yes and no. I owe you an apology for thinking my wife cheated on me with you. I was just so crazy about her and I just couldn't imagine her in the arms of another person apart from me at that time"

" I understand but if you truly loved her, you would have calmed yourself down and listened carefully to what she had to say. You should have trusted me person you claim to love" I have heard that a million times and they were all right.

" I made a mistake and Allah knows I truly love Faryah"

" So you've converted to Islam because of her now?" He laughed a bit and rolled his eyes at me. " No. Well she helped me, she convinced me but I realized everything myself and I've been searching up videos on how to become a better Muslim. How to perform Salah and also how to recite the Qur'an. I actually grew up as a Muslim you know" He was listening to me. There was no harm in sharing my childhood with him. I have already learned to accept it but I still really couldn't bring myself to forgive my father. " You see my father used to beat my mother up and she always prayed to Allah to get her out of the misery back then. I thought Allah wasn't listening to her and accepting her prayers so I gave up on him"

" but Allah got you out of the situation right?"

" Yeah. That's how I became Khalid Olyster"

" Allah's timing is always the best"

" indeed and his plan is always the best also" I added and watched him look at me with a small smile. He wasn't annoying after all. " Man I know I hurt Faryah big time but to be honest it was all because I loved her so much and I still love her very much and I am willing to sacrifice anything for her. She loves me and I love her, we are going to make a great family but the thing is, we can't move on without you accepting us being together again"

" Well I'm trying to accept it but I guess I can't. Well it's hard. I was already planning everything you know, the wedding and where we going to live and all that. I had high hopes for them not being shattered but guess what you did"

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