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"I thought things were a little strained between you and all of them, but I never knew things were this bad, Maureen." Janette said warily. "Why didn't you tell me all of this and that you were hurting?"

I cried on her shoulders even more before saying something. "B-because I didn't want to burden you with any of my problems and seem whiny about it, and I thought it was just a minor thing I could handle. That the emotions that I'm feeling are just irrelevant."

She was just rubbing my back in comfort. "No, don't ever say that. Those feelings are valid. All of our emotions are valid even if you think that they are not. And don't you ever think that you're a burden to me because I will always be there for you when you need me."

I have never been more thankful to have a friend like Janette.

"You said to Grayson that you were done with your relationship, how did he react?" She asked.

Reminiscing about the things that happened earlier, I was so caught with my emotions that I didn't bother looking at his reaction. Yes, I said the words right in front of his face, but I didn't wait for his reaction to my words. And I meant every single word I said.

After the call I made to Janette, I quickly messaged my parents that I was over at Janette's before turning my phone off.

I shrugged, pulling away from her and wiping the evident tears off my face. "I don't know. I didn't really examine his reaction after what I said. Even though I might be crying right now, it feels good to let go of them. Like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. That I know I won't have that extra baggage from now on. I'm not going to let myself wallow over this little thing that just happened. In some way it was becoming toxic for me. It was just a matter of time for me to let go. And if they ask me why? I would not tell them the reason because I don't need to explain myself to them."

Janette grinned proudly at me. "Yes, bestie! As you should! Don't let them hold you back from what you really feel and want! You don't need them. Remember that those people closest to you shouldn't make you feel like shit. Except for our parents of course, sometimes."

"Asian parents." We said in unison before laughing.

I feel a little much better now after telling her and everything.

A lot of things might be changing from this day on, but it's going to be for the better. I hope so. It's sad knowing that they were one of the longest people I've known in my entire life and everything just ended like that.

And for Grayson, well, he was the first guy I've ever truly loved and was in a relationship, but some things have to end in ways you wouldn't expect.

"So how are you going to face them once you see them again?" Janette spoke. "Obviously, Grayson is going to approach you and demand an explanation."

I let out a loud snort, my nose still sniffling. "Act like they don't exist and hold a grudge on them till the end of time. Simple as that. Doesn't matter how many years have flown by." I affirmed. "You do know that I am a Leo, right?."

"How could I ever forget? That's the number one thing that comes in my head that's anything related to you." She exclaimed. "But for real though, what are you going to do after everything that went down?" She asked again, more seriously this time.

"I just told you what I'm going to do." I marveled. "What? Do you want me to go ahead and plan a hit list?"

"I could help you with that. We can try that old Chinese murder method. All we need is one sharp, tiny needle." She grinned mischievously.

"Oh, I have lots of sharp needles in my room." I offered.

"We only need simply one needle to cause them their death. Their silent death to be exact! One prick with it on the neck, right where the vein is and will cause it to pop and kill them!" She said in a serious joking tone.

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