Chapter Thirty-four: Realization

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After the two Dragons had left, Suli stuck close to me as we followed Falvin back through his home and went though a different passage to enter a large circular cavern with a vaulted ceiling with a large glowing rock in the center which lit up the entire cave. A second floor with pillars was also apart of the cavern with many Dragons of different shades and colors resided, watching us come in with interest.

Falvin took his place in the enter of the room where a large rock outcrop stood with some smaller ledges; kind of resembling 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place podium that can be seen at the olympics. Suli grabs ahold of my cloak and jumps up to the second ledge, settling down with me in the center.

I leaned back into his soft white fur while listening to the Falvin speaking but the excitement and panic from falling earlier caught up causing me to nod off as my body relaxed into Suli's warm fur.


"Stay here." I order, looking at each member of my party as they sat down at a table of the inn. We had arrived back to Myrfall that we had taken a request previously.

They all nod as Kimbra and Reid shared concerned glances- which I ignored.

I leave the inn, walking past shops and people that were vaguely familiar and yet I could not seem to recall.  I got to the edge of town and stared at the surrounding forest as the feeling solidified. I took a deep breath and started forward into the forest, finding a hidden path. 

An hours walk later I come upon a clearing with three patches of dirt and dead grass strangely situated. A strange feel grew stronger the longer until a sharp pain stabbed itself into my head.

I recoil from it, falling to one knee as the sound of shattering glass seemed to echo inside my head, sending sparks infront of my eyes.

Memories weaved back into my head like they had been there all along- just hidden from view by a veil that showed a fake memory which hid her existence.

I remembered the look on Celestia's face as she casted the spell on me and the feeling of her tears that fell on my hand.

I now realized that my dreams for the past year where of her- that my subconscious was trying to remind me as feelings of anguish, anger, fear, and deep sadness threated to overwhelm me.

I allowed them to flow though me, which settles the emotions as I stand. Celestia must of placed our home somewhere else so that I would not be able to find it.

I sighed deeply before raising my left hand, willing my ring that connected us together to appear. I concentrated, following the link to Celestia and found her far away but it was difficult to find her exact location due to strange interference.

I turn away from the empty spots of our home and headed back into town. It was time to collect my Witch.


"ATTACK! We are being attacked!"

I was startled awake by a young Dragon ran into the great hall after the strange dream that I had.

It had been about Alaric. In the dream he was at the place our home used to be, but he had looked so sad and hurt that my heart ached.

I quickly wiped away the beginning of tears that threatened to spill over as I focused on the injured Dragon, its red blood a stark contrast to their white scales.

"Where?" Falvin demands as the many Dragons in the Hall murmur anxiously.

"The entrance." the Dragon pants bowing lightly to Falvin before finishing their report. "There are about five of them. Two are able to fly. I was sent for renforments."

"Who is there?"

"Burst and Leeva."

"I want everyone to be on full alert." Flavin stands as his wings stretched out majestically. "No Dragon flies alone."

He looks done at me and Suli. "May I count on your assistance?"

I glance over at Suli who nods. "Yes. Tell us what you need."

"Good." Falvin turns to the white Dragon as other Dragons left the hall. "You have done well, go rest and tend to your injuries Gavin."

"I want to fight." Gavin says arching his neck and stared passionately at Falvin. "I will not be the one who hides from danger."

"You are injuried." Falvin coldly spoke as a powerful pressure was released, aimed at Gavin- intending on intimidating him onto submission.

"Lord Falvin." I interrupted causing both Dragons to look at me. "If he was not injured, would you allow him to assist me during the battle?"

Gavin reminded me of Alaric by the way he did not cower to pressure, it made me want to help him.

Falvin considers my proposal before nodding. "If his injuries were healed- then I would allow him to."

"Great." I turned towards Gavin and motioned him to move closer to the ledge then lightly touched his head.

His injuries were light since Dragon scales are notoriously difficult to damage, so I was more impressed that a creature actually managed to harm him.

A few minutes later, as I was astride Suli with Gavin flying besides us- we headed for battle.

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