Chapter Fifty-two: Judgement

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I blinked hard against the bright light  as it faded, feeling a little squeamish from the sudden transportation portal. Quinn released my hand as she waiting for me to finish looking around.

Once the last of the light faded away, I was able to look around. The Land of Witches is beautiful; the scenery itself made me speechless.

We were standing in a meadow covered in flowers that were clearly not in season or even the right regions, one side of the meadow had a long ridge line of mountains with waterfalls while the other had a shining crystal bridge over a river which filled a large lake.

I meet Quinn's eyes and gesture for her to lead the way. We walk through the meadow as a stone cottage slowly appears over a small hill, smoke coming out of the chimney.

The door opens the closer we come to the cottage and a man steps out. His long blonde hair was held back by a leather circlet which framed his timeless beautiful face. His arms were folded into the long sleeves of his forest green robe as he waited for us to approach.

"Welcome." The man smiles as he bows towards me. "I greet he who rules the world, his Imperial Majesty."

"Thank you for allowing us passage." I return his bow with a nod. We followed him inside to find a surprisingly large room for the size of the stone cottage with books gently floating around in the air, a true testament for being the home of a Witch.

He leads us to a small nook with strangely comfortable chairs as a tea set floats over to rest on the table between us. I take a seat down across from the Witch as Quinn places herself behind me. 

"My name is Ilin." He says as he twirled a long elegant finger as the tea pot rises from it's tray and pours tea into one of the cups before it float over to me.  "You must be the young ward that my Celestia was taking care of."

I found myself bristling at his wording but forced myself to calm down, starting a fight with Celestia's former master won't help me find her faster.

"Yes, I was." I lingered on the word. "I am now her lover."

Ilin raises an eyebrow at my comment, looking at me over his tea.

"I see." He sets it down with a soft tap before folding his fingers together and leaning forward.

"Then where is Celestia?"

A suffocating pressure appears as Ilin stared me down as guilt at my inability to answer that question strangled me more effectively. 

"I don't know." I answer after taking a deep breath. "That's why I'm here."

It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. The aura around Ilin changed as he stood up in rage, sparks flying in the air and catching fire.

"You. Don't. Know?" He repeats, glaring down at me.

"I wasn't able to protect her properly." I bowed my head towards him, staring at the ground. I wouldn't blame him at all for attacking me.

I had trained so much to be strong enough to protect Celestia, but I wasn't even able to protect her in my own domain. I was so worried about her leaving that I didn't consider that there might be others who would desire her, I should of done more after I had seen Radna grope Celestia in the tunnels of Mirror Mountains.

I had failed to see the real threat, believing myself to be the strongest being in existence.

I could feel Ilin staring murderously at the back of my head as I waited for his decision. After what seems to be an eternity of waiting, he sighs causing the pressure to disappear. 

"So you freely admit it." I look up to see Ilin's expression to be clear once again. 

"Of course." I sat up, crossing my legs. "I failed to make sure that she was safe in her own home and allowed her to be kidnapped."

Ilin observes me for a moment, his gaze seeming to see right through me. I sat firm against his scrutiny, staring back. 

Celestia had told me a few things about Ilin; one was that he was much older than he looks and incredible powerful as well. I could tell from how she spoke of him, that she saw him as a father figure.

I knew that unless he approved of me, he would do everything in his power to keep Celestia away from me.

"I knew immediately that Celestia was no longer in the human world." Ilin picked up his tea cup. " Each Witch has has a mark that allows other Witches to know of their general location and it also allows then to know when a Witch is in danger."

So it was quite concerning once Celestia disappeared." We make eye contact.

"We may know where she is. The only problem is getting there." I quickly launch into the information we had learned from the lesser demon.

Ilin listens carefully as a frown appears on his face.

"I know that place." He says with disgust. "I had gone there in my youth- It's a terrible region to live. But luckily, I know where Radna could of taken her."

He stands and gestures at me.

"Follow me."

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