Q & A!!!!!!

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Hello! It's everyone's favorite author of 'How the Emperor trapped a Witch'!!!

*sounds of fan fair and clapping*

I was so happy to see that a few people asked me some questions about my novel! It's so awesome that so many people love this story and been so invested in it! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

I also can't believe that 'How the Emperor trapped a Witch' has gotten over 38K views so far! I couldn't believe my eyes at all!😘

I know that all of you are excited but now it's question time!

Q: Cute dog. Name?

A: His name is Huxley and he is an almost three year old Wheaten Terrier that loves to lay down in MY bed and mooch food off of everyone. He loves cuddles and seriously pouts when he doesn't get what he wants.

Q: How did Alaric can remember Tia again? Is it the power of love or because of his skills are getting better.

A: Hmmm.... a little bit of both actually. As we all know, Alaric is a little obsessive and there was no way that he could truly forget Celestia. To be honest, she was surprised that the spell lasted as long as it did.

Q: Do you already have a specific ending in mind? (no need to specify, a yes or no will do) Just curious.

A: Yes and no actually. I have a vague idea in my head at the moment, of the ending but each chapter could cause it to change. So you will just have to wait and see!

Q: When Celestia is talking about the novels FL, she often addresses her as Alaric's soulmate. Does she say this because their are really soulmates/have a mate bond (like from werewolf stores) or is she saying it because they are destined to be together based on the novel?

A: Oh this is a tough one. So kind of both. It's going to be talked about in later chapters; but the main reason that Celestia calls her his 'soulmate' is because of how her sister described her. So soulmate was the simplest term which made it easier to understand.

Q: Does the novel FL have a name?

A: Well, she does-but Celestia's sister didn't actually name any of her characters until the last minute incase she wanted to change anything. Of course the only reason she knew Alaric's name is because she asked. (And again will be talked about in later chapters.)

Q: Okay little confused, what are the ages of Alaric and Celestia?

A: Ah good point. Even I sometimes have to stop and do the math to make sure I remember the correct age as well. I have made a little timeline to make it easier.

1)Meeting Alaric 

Celestia: 150    

Alaric: 12 

2) Attack on home

Celestia: 158

 Alaric: 20

3)Return from 'Land of Witches'   

Celestia: 163  

Alaric: 25  

4) Usage of Forget spell

Celestia: 164    

Alaric: 26

Q: What about Quinn? Doesn't she have to take blood from Celestia?

A: Don't worry, you'll be seeing more of Quinn. Actually Celestia didn't use the Forget spell on her at all, since that would cause her to start hunting humans, she just asked her to avoid Alaric and the rest which was pretty easy for her since she doesn't like being around humans.

And that's it! I was kind of hoping for more questions but I understand that people are shy! Keep on commenting on my chapters and feel free to ask questions anytime! There might be a another Q&A in the future!


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