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Memories. So beautiful, so destructive and completely uncontrollable. You never know when there'd be a moment which will probably be imprinted in your mind for longer than you might like or maybe for such a short period that you'd pin every other day for the loss of it.

Memories can go away and come back in just from little instances. Maybe a sunny afternoon, a rainy evening or a sleepless night, the one I'm having right now. My memories however, were so raw that they didn't let me sleep.

I really wanted to forget them, forget that there was a guy who I thought I would share my future with for the past two years. He convinced my stubborn heart with so much effort but then left me like all those efforts of him were not worth anything.

You should be wondering by now that what kind of a stupid fool I am to care about his efforts, or what kind of a fool he was to put in so much effort to mend my heart when he was going to break it apart altogether.

I'd let you find that out, but for that I need to start from the beginning.

Your-Man : Book 1 (The Superhero Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant