Indeed You Did

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Chapter 17

The kiss was absolutely unexpected but it was not surprising. It felt natural despite being my first kiss. It managed to take my breath away in just the ten second length of it. I raised my hands and touched my lips. They felt so warm. It was the kind of kiss that made me realize that I had never been so happy in my whole life.

I couldn't keep inspecting my lips because embarrassment washed over me suddenly. I turned a simple peck in to a kiss. How could I be so dumb? He must be thinking that I'm a whóre now! What if he leaves me? Oh God what if he ends things with me now? What'll I tell him? How'll I make him believe that it was purely impulsive.

"Stop your overthinking Trinity" His deep voice came with a slight squeeze on my hand. I almost forgot that our hands were interwind still now. "Do you realize you think more about what is going to to happen instead of focusing on is happening."

I instantly regretted my thoughts. "I am sorry" I blurted out, not knowing what else to say in such position. My eyes stayed down-casted on our hands.

Zac leaned towards me and the abruptness of his action made me look at his face. There was barely three inches left in between our lips and hell, I could hear his heart beat.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to yourself because you underestimate yourself too much"

My breath caught my throat at his words. He had made me go speechless again. I shivered when I noticed that his gaze was focused on my lips. He cupped my cheeks his hands and rubbed his thumb across my lips.

"Wow, did I really stop a comeback from Miss Quinn?" He teased, looking right in my eyes.

I lowered my gaze. Indeed you did. I bit my lips in an attempt to hold back a smile.

"Wrong move" He spoke lowly before claiming my lips with his.

I felt like my heart was going to break out of my rib cage when his hands came around my waist. He pulled me closer so that our bodies touch while he worked on moulding my lips with his. The blood in my veins was humming in approval.

He pulled away after a few seconds but it was written in his eyes that he wanted more. That moment I knew, the effect of these kisses were everlasting. Even if they were for a minute I knew I'd be spending most of my time thinking about this.

"Have you ever kissed before baby?" He asked.

My cheeks went from warm to burning immediately. "You're my last first kiss" I confessed. Hoping that the riddle in there would confuse him for a while.

"I can make good use of that smart mouth Trinity" He smirked when I glared at him. God I need to visit you. I need holy water and a bible. Too many censored images flash across my brain whenever he takes my name.

"What? Haven't you heard that kiss is the best way to shut a girl up" He pressed. I smacked his bicep in return.

"Whatever smart ass" I replied scowling when he didn't even wince from my blow, and I knew I hit pretty hard since I've practiced on Cade.

"Wow, I've heard that my ass is hot, you're the first one to call it smart."

"Your ego is making me suffocate Zac" I muttered.

"Oh you love it baby" He retorted back.

I leaned my face on my palm. This was the actual Zac. He can be intense when he wants to be but the other times he is just a plain cocky and obnoxious brat with a unique power of making my name or any term of affection for me sound sexy whenever he said it.

He played with fingers while we went back and forth with our conversations until we reached the movie hall. The tickets were pre booked so we proceeded towards our seat soon enough. I gulped once I reached our respective seat number.

It was so isolated from the rest of the people.

I sat down, feeling a shiver run down my spine from the chillness in the hall. Other than being cold, the hall was pretty empty too. Night shows of horror movies aren't exactly popular I see.

The lights dimmed till the hall was totally dark. To say that I was freaking out would be an understatement. I mean I was sitting with Mr Séx-on-legs in an almost isolated place in dark with my hormones all over the place from the kiss before.

"Baby, settle down" Zac said before sliding his hand across my waist and pulling me inside the sit. Since I had been sitting on the edge with my butt barely touching the seat.

I looked up at him with a sheepish smile. The movie started, creating a glow over his callous yet smooth skin. I felt myself getting knocked out of air. How can someone be so beautiful that you go breathless at their sight?

"Come here" He said patting his shoulder. His voice warm.

I obliged meekly. Placing my head softly over his shoulder, not putting the weight of my head too much on him. He turned slightly, kissing my forehead while his hands began caressing my cheeks.

My heart raced in my chest, pumping liquified feelings instead of blood because my skin tingled with his affectionate touch.

The movie was forgotten. I was busy taking peeks at him. And then he caught me taking peeks at his captivating face every second. He just gave me a smug sexy smirk in return. I frowned. "Your ego is totally out of the world" I commented, rolling my eyes and turning to the screen.

"What else can you do when you catch the girl you absolutely adore looking at you like you're the best male specimen out there?"

I was torn between smacking his head for being egoistic and melting in his arms for what he said before that. Eventually I ended up swooning over his words. Zac laughed when I said nothing and wrapped my arms around his bicep.

"You obviously stroke my ego baby" He said. I couldn't see his expression since my head was tucked on his shoulder but I knew he was smiling. I smiled myself before trying to concentrate on the movie.

I was trying really hard but all I wanted to do was turn my head and look at him. I was so damn addicted to him already. Giving up, I peeked up at him through my lashes making our eyes meet.

Holy fućk! He was already staring at me.

My heart skipped beats, yes, it wasn't skipping just a beat because our faces were not even three inches away from each other. I dropped my gaze to his lips. It was hard keeping up with his intense gaze. Even now, I could almost feel that same gaze on my lips.

I saw those pulp pink lips of his part when his breathing deepened. Oh just grab the back of his neck and kiss him already. My hormones advised me.

Yeah right. There was no way I was going to initiate a kiss again. Last time was disaster.

More like my first time was disaster. But I cant just ignore the pure thick attraction between us. It was just not my body, behind this. It was as if my entire soul was maddeningly captivated by him.

Zac's other hand, the one I was not gripping with both my hands, came at my chin. He raised it up. Making me match his gaze.

"Trust me, it's taking all of my self control to keep my hands off you. I want you so much Trinity, so fućking much. Just not physically but even emotionally. I'm not holding back because I'm pretending to be a good boy over here. I'm far from that, you know it well. I'm holding back because if I start..." He paused before leaning down to suck on my lower lip. I trembled in his arms. "If I start, I might take away more than what you're willing to give me"

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