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Chapter 7

"I've seen you stuck with you laptop before, but I've never seen you stick so much to your phone" Sia snapped turning to look at me.

I ignored her and typed.

Rayne Quinn

So what are your plans for today?

Just now

"Hey! I'm speaking to you" Sia snapped again. Putting her hand on the screen of my phone so I can't use it.

"What?" I deadpanned.

Sia raised her trimmed eyebrow at me. "You've been texting non stop since you entered the school. Is it Stuart? I heard he left for a vacation." She completed.

It was not since I entered the school, it was since last weekend till today, which is a Monday. "You heard?" I asked obviously entertained by the idea of not having him annoy me for some days.

"Yeah, he left for California today morning" Leo added with a grin.

"What's so funny in that?" Lucy, a girl from my and Sia's Advanced English class asked. She was the bubbly brunette of our group.

"Oh nothing. It's just that the grin on Trinity's face is infectious." Leo said chuckling.

I didn't even knew that I was smiling ear to ear until I heard Leo. My boyfriend went away on a vacation and I'm feeling ecstatic. Weird much? Try thinking about dating your brother. Yuck right? I feel the same way with Stuart. I wish I understood it when I started dating him.

My mobile dinged making me break out of my string of irritating thoughts. It was Zac's reply to my earlier message. Remind me to thank him for taking me out of the annoying thoughts I was having. Oh Zac, always the savior.

Zac Ronan Levine

Nothing much, will go out with friends and talk to you.

If you plan on talking to me.

3 minutes ago

Rayne Quinn

We're talking non stop since morning Zac. Of course I plan on talking to you.

I deleted the message as fast as I typed it. Taking a deep breath I typed again.

Rayne Quinn

Sure :)

What are you doing now?

Just now

What I did there was nothing new. I was used to masking my emotions. I hardly spoke what I felt. It was my way of staying evasive and it was the only way of not being a prey for someone.

I looked down and saw Zac's reply waiting for me.

Zac Ronan Levine

Thinking about you.

Just Now

I blinked several times and felt my cheeks turn in to a furnace. Burning that too. Why does he say all these? I thought chewing my lower lip. My thumbs were hovering over the keypad when I saw Sia eyeing me up in my peripheral vision.

I looked up at her and raised my eyebrows.

"You're blushing" Leo stated making me stiff in my seat.

"I'm not" I lied, holding my phone in a death grip.

"Liar liar pants on fire" Sia muttered, twisting some noodles on her fork.

Your-Man : Book 1 (The Superhero Series)Where stories live. Discover now