Chapter 6 Maybe Mom Was Right

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"Here, I have a spare gym uniform," Audrey handed me a dark green t-shirt and some black spandex shorts.

"Thanks," I smiled already changing.

I tried to just brush off what happened in history class, I mean it was probably nothing. Mr. Davis might just be a little weird, but at least he was good to look at.

"The fact that our last class is gym should be illegal, I mean I'm already dead from chemistry and now I have to run laps?" Ivy complained pulling her short bob into two little pig-tails to keep it out of her face.

"Be thankful you never had to do gym in Arizona. Trust me, running laps in the hot sun feels like death," I joked.

Audrey, Ivy, and I all quickly finished changing and made our way out of the changing room and into the gym. Ivy immediately spotted Grayson talking to Brad and Xavier in the corner by the bleachers and made a beeline for him.

As soon as we started to make our way over to the boys, Xavier's head shot up and his eyes landed on me. I saw his face melt from a cold and hard, to a big smile as soon as we locked eyes.

"Do you guys think it's too late to fake sick and ditch gym?" Ivy asked us all as she wrapped her arms around Grayson.

"I think my mom would kill me if I ditched on my first day," I told Ivy.

"Yeah, I agree with Addison," Xavier piped up.

"Yeah, I wonder why," Audrey muttered under her breath.

"Maybe because even though we just met he knows that I'm always right," I raised an eyebrow at Audrey in a joking challenge.

"Sure, let's go with that," Grayson laughed at me.

Just as Grayson finished talking the teacher blew her whistle and we gathered around her.

"Alright class, because it's not raining today for once we're gonna be outside today doing partner work. This means that I don't care what you do as long as you and your partner are doing the same thing and not making trouble." She blew her whistle once more to signal that she was done talking and everyone started to pair up right away.

I turned to my side right away wanting to ask either Ivy or Audrey to be my partner so we could just talk and mess around the whole class. But sadly, they were both already walking off with their boyfriends.

"Partner?" Xavier asked tapping my shoulder.

I craned my neck around to see him standing behind me. "Sure," I said turning my full body around to face Xavier. "Partners."

Xavier's face seemed to light up at my words. "There's this spot just behind the bleachers out on the field that Mrs. Hunt never checks. . ." Xavier's cheeks flushed red as he kept taking. "So I was thinking we could just go there and talking?"

"That sounds perfect!" I exclaimed. "I wasn't really excited to run some laps."

Xavier let me to a small opening behind the bleachers, from behind there no one could see you but we could see everyone. There were a few pop-up lawn chairs crammed in here and that was really it.

"So," I started once we had both sat down. I could cut the tension between us with a knife, Xavier just seemed so stiff, like he wasn't sure what to say. "Did you grow up here?"

"Yeah, my whole family's from Midnight Creek. My great, great, great grandpa or something even helped to found the town when it was first established."

"That's really cool," I coughed. "I-"

I was cut off by a pitched, girly scream. I whipped my head to the side quickly to look out through the bleachers and see who just yelled.

"Audrey, that was not nice!" Brad exclaimed. He was hunched over slightly. A look of pure pain was painted across his face and he was gripping his balls in both hands. Audrey on the other hand looked like she was trying her hardest to not laugh, her face beat red and her lips were pursed.

"Like I said, it was an accident," Audrey told Brad but she didn't look sorry at all.

"I can't control who stares at me, Aud. And who even cares? Everyone knows I'm taken," Brad went on ranting at a completely unlistening Audrey.

"How do you put up with them?" I asked Xavier as I continued to watch the scene unfold in front of me.

"Mostly I just ignore them and hope that they go away," Xavier laughed. "We've all been friends since we were kids so I guess I'm just used to their stupid by now."

"Ok you have to tell me some stories," I demanded still laughing.

"Ok, ok," Xavier held his hands up in surrender before leaning closer to me and talking. "This one time when we were all eight it was Christmas and we were determined to catch Santa coming down the chimney so we set up a trap that consisted of glitter glue, feathers, and rope. . ."

And that's how the rest of gym class went, Xavier and I swapping our stupid stories back and forth. Although it was mostly him, as I didn't have nearly as many as he did. He did seem to go a little silent and change the subject right away however when I brought up my horrible first kiss stories.

The bell finally rang signalling the end of class and Xavier and I walk back to go get changed before I shot him a big smile and waved him a 'see you later.' I made sure to tell Ivy and Audrey the same and they said that they'd pass it on to Brad and Grayson for me so I could leave.

Well, it looks like my mom was right, maybe Midnight Creek wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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