Chapter 24 The House Where Dream's Die

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"Where am I?" I demanded.

Mr. Davis had driven me to what looked like some abandoned shake on the outskirts of town, there was nothing else except forest surrounding us for miles and miles. The house itself looked like it was made out of rotting wood, and caked-on dust and dirt.

I was too weak to walk. My legs felt extremely bruised, if not broken. It hurt every time I breathed, and my head was killing me. I could feel the dried-up blood on the side of my head, and the bruises starting to form all over my torso and jaw.

"This was going to be our house," Mr. Davis said fondly. "We were going to get married and start a family here. Make this into our dream house. The big backyard where the kids could play, and kitchen table where we would eat together as a family every night. It was going to be home."

"You need to let me go," I practically cried out. "My mom's probably worried, and Xavier is going to go crazy. They'll send out all the hunters, and-"

"I don't care, Addison!" Mr. Davis snapped. He whipped his head around to look me dead in the eyes. His own looked hard and angry. I was scared. "How many times do I have to tell you what your mate did? He ruined me!"

"We can talk it out," I begged. "I can call Xavier and he can come over here and talk this too. You don't want any blood on your hands."

"I'm sorry that it had to be you, Addison. I really am," Mr. Davis said in a soft voice. The exact opposite of what it was just a second ago. "But this is the way it has to be."

Mr. Davis began to pace around the small room. There was nothing but a dirty mattress pushed to the far, right corner of the room, and what looked like a broken bed frame right beside it. I was tied up to a chair, the back of it against the wall, and my front facing the half-open door. Mr. Davis was walking back and forth in front of me. Judging by the size of it, this had to be the master bedroom, where Mr. Davis and Jenna would sleep. Their room, and no instead of it being filled with love, it was full of angry and blood.

And then I heard footsteps. It sounded like three sets. My heart began to sore in my chest.

"I told you that he would come for me." I had to be Xavier, Grayson, and Brad.

"Think again," Mr. Davis rolled his eyes at me and looked away.

Just then the bedroom door was pushed open and a group of three guys came storming into the bedroom, one of them being Andrew.

"Andrew?" I said my voice cracking. "How could you?"

"You should have chosen your friends better," Andrew shrugged.

"You're sure that no one followed nay of you?" Mr. Davis asked the boys, his eyes scanning over them for any trace of a lie.

"Not a soul," the blond boy replied. "All the trackers are too busy looking for her to notice anything else."

"What did he tell you?" I asked. "What did he tell you to get you to do all this? To hurt innocent people."

"Jenna was family," The black-haired boy said referring to Mr. Davis's mate. "She was all our family until your little boyfriend took her away from us. She was all we had."

"And you?" I asked Andrew. I could feel my eyelids start to grow heavier, and heavier as I sat there. "Mad that I rejected you? Because I thought that you were a good person, Andrew. I trusted you until you started to get all creepy."

Andrew shook his head at me and started to walk closer, and closer until he was standing right in front of me. He dropped down to one knee so he could be face to face with me. Our eyes locked. "You should have listened to me when you had the chance, Addison."

"The rest of the pack should be here in a few minutes, we'll go wait outside while he stays here!" Mr. Davis announced pointing at Andrew and me before walking towards the bedroom door with the other two boys hot on his heels. "And Andrew, prepare her what's about to come."

And with that Mr. Davis slammed the door shut behind him and the other guys, the house whole shaking alone with it.

"Prepare me for what?" I slurred out. I felt like I was going to pass out any moment.

"There's going to be a war," Andrew said simply. He backed up ad stood up to his full height. "Rogues against your soulmates pack. A battle for life, and all because Xavier couldn't use his head for a second before he sunk his claws into Jenna's chest."

"I'm sorry," I said so lowly, and so softly that I wasn't sure he ould be able to hear me. "I'm sorry that it came down to this. To spilling innocent blood, to killing people, and most of all I'm sorry that you lost someone you cared about so much. I know what that's like. I felt like my heart was being stepped on and crushed when my dad died. I know the pain you're feeling, Andrew."

"You really don't, Addison."

"I do!" I shouted with the last of my strength.

Andrew looked back over at me. "The war is going to break out tomorrow night, just before sunset. Xavier is going to be too distracted by the smell of you, and your blood to focus. That's exactly what Mr. Dvais wants. He wants Xavier off of his game, he wants him sloppy and distracted so his guard is down and he's an easy target. Then he's going to bring you out there, in the middle of the battle while Xavier is injured and he's going to kill you."

I felt like I could throw up.

"He wants him to feel the same pain of watching mate die. He wants him to die inside too. To be broken."

I was on the verge of passing out, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, and my head was too heavy to hold up right.

"But I won't let that happen to you."

And with that everything went black.


Hey guys!
So what do you think
about Andrew's last line?
Will he really help?
I mean, he's already
shown his true colours,
or has he?

Also, what would ya'll
say to another chapter
in Xavier's POV?
Because I feel like telling
the story from his point
of view when he knows
where Addison is and
that a war is going to
break out will only
build on the tension.

I have another story up!
I'm sorry but this one
isn't about werewolves,
but it is kind of an
enemy to lover one
about two teens from
different worlds that
end up on a road trip
back home racing the clock.
And alone the way they
may just find love and more.
It's called 'When Things Come Back'.
Please check it out and let me know
<3 <3

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