Chapter 21 The Show Goes On

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          Mr. Hanson decided last minute that we would all be performing our parts of the play in front of a few other classes in the theatre. Instead of just in front of the class like he originally told us.

          "You better not laugh," Ivy told me from the other side of the bathroom door. She was currently changing into her costume for the play.

          I had already changed into mine, just a simple, white, cotton dress with my hair in soft curls to look like a sort of bride. Ivy and I carpooled together to school today because we both had to be here early to get ready and change for English.

          Mr. Hanson told everyone that if we dressed up we would get bonus points when he marked us, claiming it'll help us get into character. So of course Ivy and I jumped at the mention of bonus marks.

          Ivy slowly came out of the bathroom in the worst nun outfit that I had ever seen. It was a little more than a black dress and a white apron tied over it, which I guess wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't four sizes too big. It was the only nun outfit in the closet, and it looked more like a wool blanket on her than anything.

          "I told you not to laugh!"

          "I'm not," I took a deep breath to stifle my laughter. "It just looks so good on you that I'm blown away."

          Ivy had to pick up basically half of the front of her dress to keep her from tripping over it.

          Andrew and Mark were both already dressed and standing backstage with the rest of the class. Jackson was wearing a simple black suit, and Andrew was wearing some brown pants and a white button-up.

          If Andrew hadn't been so awful lately then I might think he actually looks cute.

          "Looking good, Juliet," Andrew smirked once he saw me.

          "Thanks," I mumbled back. I still didn't like the guy, but I wasn't about to make a scene.

          Our group's part of the show was in the middle, which meant that we had to wait a bit before we went on. Ivy mentioned that the boys convinced their teachers to let their classes attend this morning, claiming it would be a good learning experience. But I knew by now that that really meant that Xavier used his Alpha ways to demand it.

          "You ready for our wedding?" Andrew whispered in my ear.

          I was standing near the stage curtains trying to catch a glimpse of who was out in the audience when Andrew snuck up behind me.

          "I can't wait for it to be over," I rolled my eyes.

          "Now, my love," Andrew whispered venomously in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my neck, and a chill went down my spine. "I would be careful with what I say if I were you. We wouldn't want you impaled with a dagger."

          "You need to leave me alone," I said spanning around on my heels. "Stop with all your creepy messages and your dull threats about my mom." I wasn't sure where all of this confidence was coming from, considering I was shaking underneath.

          "Dull threats?" Andrew lifted his eyebrow at me. "I'm not threatening you, Addison, I'm trying to help you."

          "Helping me?" I asked Andrew completely blown away. "You need to seriously get help of your own."

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