Chapter Seven of Scooby-Doo Meets The Beatles

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Hey guys, how's it been? 

Uh, this is a chapter that I never got to post. 



''And here--'' Brian was directing at the large tower of London, just half a mile away from it.

The Beatles and the Mystery Gang were taking a tour of London, with Brian as their guide. The guide Brian ordered had gotten sick and could not arrive. So out of The Beatles' dismay, Brian immediately stepped in as their guide.

''--Is the Great Tower of London, children!'' Brian chirped at the Mystery Gang with a smile.

''Wow...'' Velma smiled, looking at the Tower of London.

The sun was bright over the tower, showering its rays around it, giving the scene an amazing look.

''Who knew I'd ever seen the Tower of London in person.''

''Yourself, Velma.'' teased Daphne, before laughing.

''Hmph.'' huffed Velma.

- - - - - - -

Somewhere, just on the other side of London, there was a large, dark-colored, broken windowed warehouse. 

''Where do you want this large machine, sir?'' asked a man, wearing a grey suit. He and another man were holding a large, strange-looking machine.

''Over there,'' said a short man. He pointed to the very center of the room he and the other men were in. The short man was donned in a black suit with vertical white stripes. A small pink flower was pinned onto the left side of his chest.

''Yes sir.''

The two men set the large machine with a loud clatter on the floor, upsetting their short boss.

''You two be careful with that machine!'' the short man hollered.

''Sorry Boss...'' the two dumb men apologized.

The short man turned away, rubbing his two small hands together evilly.

With this machine... I'll be able to create millions of pounds! I'll be filthy stinkin' rich! No one can stop me now!

- - - - - - -

''Geeze, Bri,'' John whined. ''This is getting boring!''

''Oh John,'' Brian said, rather annoyed. ''There's still so much to see!''

''See that will get us snorin', right Fred?'' John said to Fred. Fred chuckled.

''Yeah, sorry Mr. Epstein.''

''Oh,'' Brian planted the palm of his left hand on his forehand. ''That's fine.''

As Brain turned around, Paul began to whisper to Daphne.

''Say, I'd really love to leave this boring place, and go shopping? Wha' do yeh' say, Daphne?''

Daphne began to beam like a fangirl. ''Oh why, of course, Paul! I would!''

Paul giggled.

By now John was getting extremely bored; why was he wasting his time looking at some large building? He wanted to go somewhere else other than here. That's when he got the idea.

''Hey, Freddie,'' he nudged at Fred. Fred looked up and beamed slightly. ''Yes?''

''You want to leave this train wreck? I'm getting dead bored over here.''

''Sure!'' Fred answered. ''But, how are we going to leave Mr. Epstein?''

''When he turns around, we'll run for it.''

''Alright,'' Brian turned around away from the group. ''Where are we?''

''Okay,'' John whispered to Fred, ''Let's go!''

John quickly grabbed Fred's wrist and dashed off. Right when Paul and Daphne were about to skip off like little girls in a garden, Ringo immediately took sight, asking Paul. '' 'Ey, where are you two going?'' 

''Oh... Ringsy, we're going to go shopping!'' Paul answered cheerfully. ''Isn't that right, Daphne?''

''Yes!'' Daphne giggled.


''Don't worry, Ringo. We'll be back at the house after we're done!'' Paul chirped.

With that, Paul and Daphne immediately skipped off like little girls to the nearest clothing department.

''Oh yes,'' Brian turned around, holding a leaflet in his hands, ''We are--'' but only paused when he realizedJohn, Paul, Fred, or Daphne disappeared from the group.

Brian had the urge to get mad, but only held his anger when he breathed in.

''Well, it looks like our friends had cheated themselves out of a heck of a tour. Right, everyone?'' Brian asked the group.

''Oh yes,'' Velma agreed, rolling her eyes a bit.

''When's lunch?'' Shaggy asked, charismatic.

- - - - - - -

After being toured inside of the Tower of London, the remaining part of the group--Brian, George, Ringo, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma--had lunch in a nice-looking restaurant. Ringo, George, and Brian nearly emptied their wallets out after Shaggy and Scooby had ordered many plates of food.

- - - - - - -

''That was a fantastic day of shopping wasn't it, Daphne?'' a rather flamboyant Paul McCartney asked, holding many shopping bags.

Daphne, who was also holding several shopping bags in her arms, replied, ''Yes!''

It was dawn when the two were walking on the sidewalk. They had a very adventurous day of shopping; Daphne found many skirts while Paul had found several pairs of men's pants.

- - - - - - -

''That was quite a day, I must say.'' John complimented, as he and Fred walked down the street. John and Fred spent the entire day in the city, just sightseeing and meeting with old friends.

''You bet!'' Fred said. It was one of those days where Fred didn't think too much about mysteries or Red Herring.

''Aw, I think it's time to go back home, don't you think, Fred?'' John asked Fred.


- - - - - - -

Back with Paul and Daphne, they were talking about their lives as they walked down the sidewalk.

''Oh, John hates going shopping with me, can't you believe that, love?'' Paul said.

''Oh, that's terrible,'' Daphne said. ''One should always have a quality shopping partner.''

''I mean, he's just standing there, pouting, and not giving a single one.''

Unbeknownst among the two, a speeding brown car was dashing down the street, just next to them.

''Hey, what's going on behind us?'' Daphne caught the sight of the car speeding next to them.

''I don't know...'' Paul said, lifting an eyebrow in confusion at the speeding car.

The car driver did not notice the duo, being heavily determined to reach its destination. But what the driver of the car didn't also know, the right window on its backseat passenger side was all the way down with an odd-looking black case sticking out, making it easy for it to fall out.

''What's that thing over there?'' Daphne pointed out, noticing the black case out on the window.

''I don't know, Daphne. But I can tell that car is going by too fast.'' Paul said.

The car hit a bump, making it jump up from its wheels; unbeknownst to the car's driver, the odd black case popped out of the window like a bullet from a gun.

''Whoa! Something came out!'' Paul remarked at the case as it fell flat on the ground.

As Paul and Daphne ran towards the odd case, the car went on, unaware of the small cargo it just lost. Paul crouched down to the case, slightly putting the shopping bags down, as Daphne called out to the car.

''Hey! You forgot something!'' but the driver of the car didn't hear or notice her.

''Oh...'' Daphne whined. She turned back to Paul, who was looking at the case which shut with metal clasps. ''What is it?''

''It looks like a violin case...'' Paul said, picking up the case in his hands.

''Who would leave a violin case out in front of an open car window?'' Daphne asked, with her hands on her hips, yet still holding the shopping bags she had.

''I don't know...'' Paul said, picking up his shopping bags. ''...but we should report this.''

''Yeah, we should... but...''

''What is it, love?''

''We should see what's in that case, it could something suspicious.''

''Oh don't be silly, Daphne...'' Paul said, unclasping the latches on the case before looking inside, ''This is a violin case--there's no way something else could be in he--EREEE?!''

Taken aback by Paul's reaction to what is inside of the case that he picked up, Daphne immediately asked, ''What is it?!''


''What? Is it a decapitated head?!''

''No...'' Paul gaped, showing Daphne the case that was full of...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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