Chapter Three of Scooby Doo Meets The Beatles

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It was night in the Amazon Jungle.

In the jungle were long tall trees, murky icky muddy ground below, as dozens of flying insects buzzed in the air as Paul McCartney tried to swat them away. He walked, dipping his worn-out bare feet into the ground as he whined, ''Are we anywhere near a safe house?'' 

''No, but if you keep on whining, we'll get nowhere tonight!'' replied a still rested yet, irritated John Lennon holding a camera. Paul that was in front him was down to his underpants, but he wore a makeshift kilt to cover his lower half. His dark hair was a complete mess.

John turned the camera to show himself; dirtied hazel hair and on his face there were two black lines painted underneath his eyes. He wore an orange cheetah wrap with short sleeves.

''Ugh, that's a terrible shot of me!'' John pouted as he crossed his arms on his chest.

The Beatles were back in their home after being at the studio and were sitting on the couch, watching their recorded time in the Amazon Jungle. Paul sat next to John, with the same disgusted look on his face.

''Ugh, at least you didn't spend six hours trying to fix your mangled hair,'' Paul said womanly. ''I mean, six hours of hair spray, conditioner, and nine bottles of men's shampoo!'' 

Next to John and Paul, sitting next to them were George and Ringo, who seemed unaffected by their trip to the Amazon.

''Oh, here comes our part Georgie!'' Ringo nudged at George's arm.

''Well, here we are, Day 9 of our expedition in the Amazon Jungle,'' said George who was holding a camera showing from his point of view. Ringo wore a one-strap loincloth wrap with a belt strapped with bullets as a leather band was tried around his head with a large feather sticking out of it; in Ringo's arms was a shotgun. George wore a loincloth with a wooden dagger strapped to his waist; there was a large feather sticking out of a band around his head.

''Do you think we are near a safe house?'' Ringo asked with a happy smile on his face.

''Not sure, do you have the map?'' George asked as he turned the camera back to Ringo.

''Oh, I think I have it somewhere in my loincloth.''

Ringo set his shotgun aside on a rotten log as he fished into his loincloth wrap to find the map. He fished into his backside in hopes of finding the map. George, as soon as he saw the drummer dig into his rear, immediately turned away as groaned in disgust.

''Rings, did you have to put the map there?'' George groaned.

''Well, where was I supposed to put it?'' the drummer said as reached into his undercarriage.

"The shotgun has to be kept in front, y'know?''

 ''Oh, you just had to reach into your rear to get that map.'' George sighed.

''Well that shotgun had to be kept somewhere,'' Ringo said.

A few seconds later, the joyful manager came through the door holding a rolled-up script in his left hand.

''Good evening boys!'' Brian chirped as he stood in front of the boys.

''Oh good golly Brian, ''John whined childishly. ''What in blinkin' blue blazes is it now?'' John said as he rested his chin on his palm on the arm of the sofa.

''Oh well, since our five new guests are coming; I thought I'd make up a little schedule for tomorrow's magical events!'' Brian chimed.

''Oh wow, a schedule!'' Paul sarcastically said. ''What's next? A trip to Ruin-my-hair-again-town?!'' Paul gripped his fingers like metallic claws.

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