Chapter Two of Scooby Doo Meets The Beatles

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The next day, Daphne kept a full restraining order between her photo of Paul McCartney and where Scooby and Shaggy ate.

The gang was now in their treehouse, which was named the 'Scooby-Doo Detective Agency Clubhouse'. The gang hung around there most of the time, where they would sit and discuss mysteries and Fred would make 'WANTED' signs of Red Herring, the local bully. 

But instead, those most wanted posters of Red Herring were covered with posters of the Beatles, and especially Scooby and Shaggy's side were posters of Ringo Starr. On Daphne's side were she kept a closet of her favorite clothes, she had posters of Paul McCartney, on her closet door, inside her closet, and on her vanity.

On Fred's side, he kept forty percent of his homemade posters of Red Herring, sixty percent of it was covered with posters of John Lennon. Finally, on Velma's side, she kept a table of her chemistry set, chemistry equipment such as flasks, beakers, and other little trinkets; behind it were posters of George Harrison.

Scooby and Shaggy were just sitting on their plush chairs, when Shaggy groaned, ''Hey, Scoob, do you remember that contest we entered two weeks ago?''

''Rhat rontest?'' the Great Dane puppy asked.

''Remember? The Beatles contest? Whoever wins gets to spend a week in London, England with the Beatles.'' the skinny boy reassured.

Scooby snapped up with joy.''Oh Reah! The contest!''


''Do you guys really want to do this?'' asked the short girl.

''C'mon Velm! It's The Beatles!'' Fred encouraged.

''Yeah! And it says that the winner and four friends get to spend a week with The Beatles! Eeeek!If we win, I get to meet Paul McCartney!'' Daphne cheered.

''Yeah! And if we win, just imagine what we could do with The Beatles!'' Shaggy fluttered.

''I could go shopping with Paul McCartney!'' Daphne fangirled.

''John Lennon and I could hang around!'' Fred said.

''Scoob and I could go to dinner with Ringo Starr!'' Shaggy said.

''Reah!'' Scooby cheered.

''Well, alright, as long as we win and I get to meet George Harrison,'' Velma assured.

Scooby wrote down his and every one of the gang's names on the paper. He placed it inside of a white envelope, sealed it with a lick of his long tongue, closed it, and then placed it inside of the large postbox.


''Really guys?'' Velma asked.

The boys snapped back to reality as soon as they heard Velma's question.

''Of course Velm! You even said if as long as get we get to win, you get to meet George Harrison.'' Shaggy reassured.

''And besides,'' Fred put in,'' By now they should be saying the winners on that radio in a few minutes.'' the blonde boy said as he pulled up his sleeve, to see the time on his watch.

''In a few minutes?!''Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby shouted in unison.

''I need to get my makeup ready!'' Daphne fret.

''I need to get my snacks ready!'' Shaggy fret next.

''I reed to ret my rictures of Ringo Starr ready!'' Scooby fret last.

''Ah geez,'' Velma facepalmed.

Twenty seconds later, the great Dane puppy came back with a small radio, while the skinny boy held onto the cord. The gang huddled around it, as Scooby tried to get the small red needle to where it could get to the correct radio station. A few seconds later, 'I Saw Her Standing There' came on before the voice of the Beatles manager Brian Epstein bellowed, 'Hello everyone of North America and Europe!'' 

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