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Edward, jaspen and Blasie were setting on Edward's office room, drinking cool drinks while trying to make some sense out of this situation.

That's when they heard Theo shouting for them.

They immediately rushed towards Adriel's room, to find Theo and Marie holding Adriel from leaving the bed.

"Adriel, you are still weak, you need to rest" Marie spoke gently while trying to make him lay down, who wasn't anywhere near listening.

"I don't want to stay her, leave my hands" Adriel spoke in gritted teeth, as he tried to pull out of their hold.

"Adriel you are not leaving anywhere" jaspen spoke sternly before rushing to help Marie and Theo to hold Adriel.

"You can't order me about what I should do, You don't have to bother about me any longer, leave me" Adriel shouted as he tried to wriggle out of their hold, He is still weak and dizzy.

"Adriel, we never said anything like that" Jaspen spoke trying to calm down the angry boy, which sounded lie to his own ears because at first they Considered Adriel as merely their responsibility, but it's not the same anymore. It wouldn't be lie if someone said that he started to care about the boy.

"I don't want your money, I will sign those goddam papers you want" Adriel lashed out as he continued to fight back in their hold.

"Adriel, if that's what we wanted, we would have done it already, you can't leave from here Adriel, it's not safe for you" Edward patiently tried to explain. He can tell that the boy is distressed from whatever happened.

"Safe, safe from whom? Your father?" Adriel asked with hatred laced in his voice.

"Yes" Edward replied making Adriel stop fighting, he had a frown on his face, he never expected Edward to reply like this.

"He will try to Target you?" Edward replied softly, not wanting to anger or frighten the boy.

"Like he did today"

"No, it wasn't him"

"You are lying" Adriel glared at Edward

"No, it wasn't him, it was someone else" Edwards spoke staring straight at Adriel's eyes.

"What do you mean, why would someone try to kidnap me" Adriel asked frustrated, his head is paining and it's seems like it will burst anytime.

"We don't know, but I can assure you that it wasn't him and about those masked, we are trying to locate them. We also have suspicion that it isn't their first attempt, we believe that they are involved in your accident" Edward explained carefully with a serious tone.

That made Adriel still, why would they target him.

What do they want from him ???

Theo watched Adriel relaxing under their hold, he isn't fighting back anymore, so they gently made him sit in the bed.

"What did dad spoke to you?" Blasie asked suddenly making Adriel tense for a second, Others send a glare towards his way.

"Nothing much, something about me being his accident happened during his one night stand, his shameful secret" Adriel spoke with a blank face, but each words came out bitterly.

"Hah, he also asked me to sign few legal documents and asked me to stay away from his sons in the most nicest way possible" Adriel spoke with a humorless laugh, but it something in that managed to make them tense.

"Adriel, we-" Jaspen was about to explain, but Adriel interrupted.

"No need to explain, I believe you had your own reasons" His tone told them that it's the end of discussion.

Adriel didn't want to hear anything, he had enough for today, he know four of them are his half brothers and they are putting up with him because they don't want their secret of family to be out.

Adriel's head is spinning thinking all these, the glimpses of memories he saw during fight in church kept on playing in his mind.

He felt his eyes closing slowly from the exhaustion and then everything went dark.

Somewhere far away

"SIRUS, I ASKED YOU SOMETHING, WHERE THE HELL IS MY CHILD" the women shouted making everyone in the room flinch.

"Nat, please calm down" the man called Sirus spoke nervously.

"Don't you dare to tell me to calm down, my child went Missing for almost a month now and everyone was trying to hide it from me" she accused everyone in anger, making everyone look down in fear and guilt.

"Nat, we didn't want you to worry, it's not good for your health" Alex tried to explain, as gently as possible not wanting to make the situation worse.

"How can I not worry, it's my child, I can't even think about anything bad happening to him, How dare you all hide this from me!!!" Nat spoke, as she covered her mouth to stop herself from breaking down completely.

"Nat, we are searching for Adrian everywhere, nothing would have happened to him, no one will harm him" Alex spoke while comforting Nat, who was now sobbing into his chest.

"We are talking about Adrian, he will be fine, if anyone dared to touch even his hair, I will kill them with my own hands" Sirus spoke, his eyes burning with rage even thinking about their boy getting harmed is making him lost his mind.

"I don't care what you people do, do whatever you want, I want him back" Nat told them in an commanding voice, making them immediately nod.

They will do whatever it takes to find him, even if it means killing anyone in process.

Their Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now