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Hey guys,
I know it's been long, I wasn't feeling well for the past month and I had a lot of things going in my mind.

Lot of you were asking for an update, I am really sorry for making you wait, So I guess it's time to finally wrap up my mind.

I will start to update this story, but you have to be patient with me, since I lost track of my ideas regarding 'Their younger brother', I will have to read the chapters from beginning and continue writing, I have an idea going inside my head regarding this story.

My exams are going on till 9th Dec, so I will commit on finishing this story after that.

Thanks for your patience,

So enjoy reading......





His whole body is shaking violently, his head hurting like it's being ripped open, the darkness suffocating him.

He wanted this to stop, but couldn't, tears streaming from his eyes, he wanted to scream for help but no words came out of his mouth.

His eyes suddenly shot open, he sat on the bed abruptly, gasping for breath, his whole body sweating.

Adrian clutched his head with his hands tightly, his breath getting ragged, he couldn't stop himself from shaking.

Adrian tried his best to calm his breathing, he took the bottle of water placed on the bedside and drank half of it in a one go.

"What was that?" He gasped out, the memory still fresh in his mind even though he only remember bits and pieces.

He was in a large room, the walls were painted red, someone was instructing him to focus on the target, there was a gun in his hand. He was feeling nervous, but soon confidence spread throughout his body as he shot the target.
Then the memory shifted, he was on basement, most probably abandoned, there were many cuts on his body, his body covered in blood, but he didn't pay any mind to it as he slashed the knife on his attackers chest. Blood oozed out of the man's chest, a sick smile spread on his lips as he watched the man die infront of him, laughter erupted from his lips as he looked at the other dead bodies laying on the ground.

"That's what you get for trying to hurt my family you fuckers" He growled, before darkness covering him.
"I don't let anyone decide my fate" he whispered leaning towards the trembling man's ears.

"T-They w-will k-kill y-you" the man managed to choke out, making Adrian giggle.

"And I am a good boy, who doesn't have blood in his hands" he replied rolling his eyes.

"T-They will finish your w-whole gang, you don't know our p-power, you guys are n-nothing infront of u-us" the man spat

"Oh yeah, The dumbest Blackstone is now powerful than us" Adrain asked in a mocked tone, making the man pale.

"I-I n-never said B-Blackstone" he stuttered

"Do you think I am dumb, Someone said ignorance is bliss, but I find yours rather disturbing, Did you thought that I will never guess that Blackstone is behind this attack" Adrain asked with a smirk playing on his lips.


"I have my own ways" he replied calmly before shooting the man in his head.
"What's this?" Adrian asked frowning

"They will be your bodyguards, and I won't take no for answers, just bear with them for a while till situation calm down" The man infront of him spoke

"Really Sirus, Do you still take me as a baby, I don't need babysitting" Adrian groaned

"You should have thought before you decided to pull that stupid act of yours" Sirus ruffled his hair, making Adrian whine in protest.

"Hey it wasn't stupid, it was my genius plan" he pouted like a baby

"Yeah, and I have horns in my head"

"Really, you are really going to do this? Whyyyyyyyy? " Adian asked whined

"It's your mom's decision, Sorry kiddo" Sirus replied fully enjoying the scene infront of him, he watched the boy sulk with a amused face, fully knowing that there's no way he can go against Natasha.

"I am 17 years, I am big, I can take care of myself" Adrian muttered under his breath with a huff.

"Okay big baby, now stop sulking, May be we can try out the newly released games" Sirus spoke making Adrian excited all of a sudden.

Was it all real

Or it was just a dream, his imagination

He know from what Doctor Cullen told, there's a chance that he might be imagining things, it could be a fragment of his imagination or may be glimpse of his past. But this memory seemed too real to be put as an imagination.

He wanted to believe all this to be a bad dream, but how could he? After knowing it can be true, from all those happening with him, he knows for sure that nothing is unexpected in his life.

Adrian immediately grabbed his phone, he don't know whether this will work or not, but what's the harm in trying right.

He started searching on Google.

Adrian was biting hard on his lips that he can taste blood, he searched names using whatever clues or information that's stuck up in his mind.

He searched the name Adrian knight, Victoria knight, Sirus Knight,

May be he will find something.

It didn't took him long, he was literally holding his breath as he stared at those pictures.

He can feel his headache getting worse, his while body trembling, he bit his lips till he can taste the metallic taste of blood, But something about him changed,

There was a fire in his eyes as he whispered those words,

"It's time to put an end to this hide and seek game"

Jaspen wanted to check on Adrian, the boy wasn't looking well, he noticed Adrian spacing out a lot, his mind somewhere else.

During the whole time during party, his attention was on Adrian, The boy was chatting and smiling, but it was clear that something was bothering him.

Jaspen at first believed that it might have something to do with all the attention that were on him during the party, but he soon realised that Adrian isn't bothered about it, as if he is used to all the eyes watching him in wonder or the girls approaching him.

Jaspen can understand why Edward wanted to bring Adrian to their home, May be it have something to with the way Edward first saw him, the younger boy laying Vulnerable and Fragile in the ICU room. Even Jaspen when he first saw the boy in wheel chair was curious, there was always a mystery about Adrian.

Adrian might look weak and sensitive, but there's something about him that make Jaspen believe that the boy isn't Weak as they believe him to be.

Jaspen slowly opened the door of Adrian's room, the boy was sleeping, laying peacefully in his bed, but he can see that Adrian was angry seeing the way pillows are thrown on the floor, taking a closer look, Jaspen saw Marks of nail on Adrian's face, the boy was clearly crying before from pain or nightmares.

With a sigh, Jaspen gently covered Adrian in blanket, he can see why Edward feel so protective over Adrain, He is their younger brother, and there's no way he will let anything happen to his brother.

Their Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now