Chapter Two

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    You guys are awesome! Here's Chapter Two! Hope you enjoy!


    “You looked SO INTO IT!” Maggie laughed. I slapped her shoulder. The car jerked forward.

            “Brandie! Keep both hands on the wheel! Please! For the safety of others,” I panicked. Why was she putting on nail polish while driving? Did she want to end her life early? At least let her get through her date with Jade before dying!

            “Maggie is right, Tedi. You guys had some chemistry.” M&M muttered from the passenger seat.

            I rolled my eyes, “We did not. It was a dare guys. It’s not like I’ll ever see him again anyway. It was one kiss that didn’t mean anything. It was just a kiss.”

            Maggie leaned toward me, “Na uh!! I know what you’re thinking about right now! Different positions to fu_” Her spit hit my face and I shoved Maggie away.

            “Seriously, Maggie? There’s something called personal space,”

            “Maggie, leave Tedi alone.” Brandie called, stopping at a red light, “She’s in denial.”

            I groaned, “What is wrong with you people? Are you guys going to be talking about it stupid dare fifty years from now?”

            “Yep,” M&M and Brandie called from the front as Maggie said, “No.”

            I glanced at Maggie.

            She beamed, “Fifty years from now, my husband will be dead and I’ll be sitting in the park with a cane, hitting little children that walk past and yelling at them to stop stepping on my imaginary friend Bob.”

            The car got silent. That usually happened after Maggie stopped talking. We arrived at Bethel Academy. Ugh. We passed through the front gates, locking behind us. Goodbye outside world of happiness and hello gloomy school that sucks the life out of me. It sucks to be back.

            Brandie parked in the underground garage and we walked up to our dorm. Most kids at this time would be in the library studying for school tomorrow or reading while we go to our dorm and I jump onto my bed and sleep. Brandie rooms with M&M next door to me and Maggie (OMFG).

            My eyes shot open as I heard a saxophone blast. I sat up and glared at Maggie, “Are you serious right now!”

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