Chapter Sixteen

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GAHHH! THANKS EVERYONE!!! Just wanted to thank everyone! I made it on the What's Hot list! I'm number 696 but hey, it's a start!! AND its THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! SO THANKS A MILLION FREAKING TIMES!!! 


Jack's arms were still around me, warmly. Yay! I got him back! Thanks to awesome little Ava. I pulled back about to kiss him again when the roaring crowd subsided and everyone froze. I looked around. Everyone was frozen and suddenly everything went black as if the lights went off. WTF?

            "Wake up, Tedi! Wake up!"

            I groaned and opened my eyes. Miss Heather was standing in front of me, grinning, "Dang! My relaxation methods knocked you out!"

            I sat up, rubbing my head. Did I just dream all of that? It had to be a dream. There was no way I would ever sing on stage unless it means my life. Ha, I need some serious help if I dream about getting Jack back.

            Jack walked past the living room.

            "Where are you going?" Miss Heather asked.

            "Some last minute school shopping." He said before heading out.

            He didn't even acknowledge me presence. I really did dream all of it. Fuck.


            I slumped in the back seat, listening to Miss Heather sing to Barney stupid "I love you" bed time song. Jack was in the passenger seat, bobbing his head back and forth to his Ipod. I wish I had my Ipod right now. But of course, my parents are too cheap to get me one. Don't you just love your parents?

"I love you, you love me. We're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too!" Miss Heather squealed. For the love of God, someone please put me out of my misery and run me over with a car! "We're here!"

Miss Heather parked and I leapt out of the car. FINALLY! "Now, since we're back, I hope Jack starts tutoring and Tedi, you start learning!"

"You know I was thinking about learning right now," I grinned. I glanced at my wrist like I had a watch on it, which I didn't, "We have a good hour to settle in, why don't we go to the library and study it up?"

Jack eyed and shrugged, walking off. How rude! Miss Heather grinned goofily and I had to admit, staying with Miss Heather wasn't all that bad.

I headed after Jack, staying a good five feet away from him. He was having some issues and honestly, I was tried of chasing after him. Seriously, I chased after him for a WHOLE chapter! Damn, that was a long chapter too! Ha, I opened the library door and slammed into someone.

"Holy s_ Sorry!" The guy screamed, grasping my arm to retain my balance. I stumbled and just walked it off, "Dude, it's all good."

He smiled and I felt like I recognized him. His eyebrows furrowed like he recognized me too, "Uh... Tedi? Wow, never thought I'd see you again,"

"Scott? Scott McCarthy? OMG, I haven't seen you since freshmen year! Where did you go?"

The blond haired sweetheart grinned, a dimple popping out of his left cheek. Mm, that's why I remembered him. That dimple drove me crazy, "I left to some public school but I'm back thankfully. How's life been? Are you still failing majority of your classes?"

"Heck yeah!" I laughed, "Are you still taking those AP classes, smarty pants?"

"I'm no smarty pants," He blushed, "I'm a genius!!"

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