Behind the Scenes: I Killed Time to Survive

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The idea for this story came about last year, when I wrote the basic premise down (literally "plant water intruders closet time machine"). I didn't feel inspired to write anything more, though, so I left it to ferment.

When I sat down a few months later and went through my list of ideas, I read it again and decided to tackle it. The story pretty much wrote itself and I was ready to pat myself on the back, but the next day while editing, I realized a glaring plot hole. Despite David being aware of the time jumps, I didn't have him call Imran to immediately ask why time jumps were happening.

Advice: when writing time travel stories, look at the story from multiple perspectives to make sure there are no discrepancies!

After I adjusted the story, I read it over a few (dozen) times to make sure it flowed logically before I went ahead and added little flourishes to accentuate the repetition, such as the kids with water balloons.

I had Imran be not very well-off, hence why he agrees to do whatever David wants the moment a reward is mentioned. I also wanted that to tempt him to want the wardrobe for himself, while also hinting at how the it may influence or corrupt those who use it.

If you've read the story, let me know what you think. I’m always open to feedback, suggestions, and critique!

And if you liked this story, you can find it in "The Fall of Souls: and six other twisted stories about unlikable people", available on Amazon! If you do purchase it, I'd greatly appreciate an honest review. :)


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