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Original story below, but you can find a revamped version in my collection "The Fall of Souls: and six other twisted stories about unlikable people", available on Amazon!

Original story below, but you can find a revamped version in my collection "The Fall of Souls: and six other twisted stories about unlikable people", available on Amazon!

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


I’d been a caregiver for over twenty years and I was certain nothing could ever faze me. Working with the elderly, I’d mastered the art of nodding pleasantly through long-winded stories, changing countless diapers, and sponge-bathing bodies from the rail-thin to the obese. I’d maintained a spotless reputation with my unrivalled diligence and superior bedside manner, my professionalism aided by my ability not to get emotionally attached to my clients.

One evening, I received a call from a frazzled lady with a Scandinavian accent who needed a caregiver for her mother as soon as possible. We set up an interview for the next afternoon, and she confessed it would most likely be an introduction to my new position, as she didn’t have time to shop around and told me I came highly recommended.

Her apartment was rather modest, but neat and welcoming, and so was the lady. She was tall, her blond hair short and sleek, and she gracefully pulled off a pantsuit. She introduced herself as Johanna. After a quick chat, she led me to the second of two bedrooms to introduce me to her mother, Clara.

The rosy-cheeked old lady had pale, watery eyes and skin that had enveloped a plumper figure back in the day. She smiled, her pristine dentures framed between thin, creased lips, and I smiled back.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Clara."

She replied in a language I didn’t understand.

"My mother prefers her native Finnish," Johanna said, "but she does speak broken English. She has dementia and Alzheimer’s and can't leave her bed without assistance, which is why I desperately need a caregiver."

"May I know more about Clara’s previous caregiver so I may understand what approach she's accustomed to?"

Johanna frowned, agitated by a memory I'd apparently revived. "Do you know a Mrs. Lee Hu Ming?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"My mother had been under Hu Ming’s care for ten wonderful years before she just up and left two nights ago, locking the door and leaving my poor mother alone while I was away on an overnight business trip.

"I returned yesterday morning to find no signs of violence, theft, or foul play, but no explanation for her sudden departure. I couldn't reach her, so I contacted the police. The investigation is still ongoing, but they believe she fled the country due to perceived danger from her estranged husband."

Johanna let out an agitated sigh. "It was a rude shock. Hu Ming never discussed her troubled relationship and how it might affect her responsibilities. I can't believe she abandoned my mother without notification or consideration. I'm just glad my mother wasn’t permanently affected."

Revealing Glances: Unsettling Short Stories & Their MakingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα