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Mikaella's POV

"Ms. Lee!" I almost fell on my seat when I heard my professor's voice. "I've been talking for almost an hour here and calling your attention a lot of times but it looks like you are not in the mood to listen to my discussion." 

"I'm so sorry sir. I didn't--"

"You are in your last year now Ms. Lee so please start acting like you wanted to graduate!"  He said cutting off my words  and scolding me in front of my block mates.

I brought my head down and nodded, slowly got the feeling of everyone's gaze on me. "Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. So see me in my office after class. Understood?"

"Yes sir."I sighed and sat back down to my seat. 

I never messed up once for the past years of my college, not until today. So this is what it feels like getting scolded in front of everyone. All my life, I never felt so embarrassed and frustrated at the same time. 

Those things that Jeohee told me earlier really invaded my peaceful mind today. I was really distracted trying to remember what happened. Thus, my mind was clouded with tons of questions and thoughts as I wanted to know if she is not lying.     

 "Elle! Psst!" I turned my head and saw Steffi eyeing me curiously. "Are you okay?" She asked me in whisper while keeping her gaze at our professor. Surely she didn't want to end up like me.

Giving her a short nod, she started to speak again. "I don't believe you, let's talk after this. You won't go home unless you tell me everything." 

With those glares that she's giving me, I know my best friend is taking it seriously. "Fine! I'll talk to you after I face Mr. Song's wrath later." I told her.

She gave me an okay sign and drove her attention back to our class. After several minutes, the bell rang giving my other block mates including me, a sigh of relief after an hour of dealing Mr. Song's class. He was one of our terror professor and he won't hesitate to fail us if we won't treat our course seriously. That is why, everyone is kind of afraid to be in his class. Bet all of us here just got no choice since all of the other classes were full. 

"Spill the tea after you talk with Mr. Song, I'll be waiting outside the faculty, okay? See you!" Steffi bid her farewell after saying those words, telling me that she'll be heading to the restroom first.

I was left grabbing my stuff and went to faculty where Mr. Song's office is located. After a few turns around the school, I am now standing in front of his door holding a deep breath, praying I will not get punish for what I acted at his class earlier.

"Come in!" I heard Mr. Song's voice after knocking his door thrice.

I gather all my courage before and I opened the door, and when I got in, I saw him scanning something at his table. Getting his attention by clearing my throat, he diverted his gaze at me and let me sit.

"Thank you sir." I awkwardly uttered. Maybe its normal to feel this though. I mean, being called for the first time in my entire college life gave me this feeling of nervousness that makes me think that I might not be able to graduate. 

"I'll be honest with you Ms. Lee. I am very disappointed for what you acted earlier." Mr. Song started to talk making me ashamed. "You know how I easily get mad when anyone of you wouldn't give a damn to my discussions, but you still showed it to my class."

I lowered my head waiting for him to finish. "I'm sorry sir." That was the only thing I could mutter.

"I decided that I won't give you a detention." My eyes widened by his words. 

I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now