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Mikaella's POV


I immediately covered my ears when my bestfriend suddenly squeaked and screamed the hell out in front of me. We were currently studying for our exam today and this girl before me were not even taking a glance at her notes. 

"What is it Steffi?" I annoyingly asked her as darted my eyes back to what I am reading. 

She suddenly shoved her phone right at my face and shook my shoulders happily. I was trying to comprehend what was happening and curiously turned my gaze on her phone. I felt the butterflies in my tummy feasted again as I stared at my husband on the phone screen.

"They won! They won!!" I clasped my hands happily realizing that they got their first win from their latest comeback. 

I really wanted to be there and cheer for him personally but I didn't got the chance. I have an examination today and I can't just easily go there and absent. Our professors are so strict about absences. If you don't want a failing grade, you should not and should never be absent, most importantly on examination day. So here I am, happily contented watching him through this small screen.

"You're seriously drooling over your husband, Ella. You look nuts." I glared at my bestfriend when I heard her bluntly say those words.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut when were in public Steff. Everyone shouldn't know that I am married." I said giving her phone back. 

As a college student, everyone loves to gossip about anyone's lives especially their secret whereabouts. In my school, gossiping is one of the every student's favorite hobby. So as much as possible, I keep my status and my marriage a secret especially that my husband is a famous idol. Once everyone starts to find it out, everything will get messy. Though its so messy as it is now, it will get messier if they found out who my husband is. I might not live for a day and his fans might gonna hunt me for the rest of my life.

"Gosh! How long would you gonna keep it a secret? Like its been three years since you got married El." She rolled her eyes with an annoying tone. Clearly she was annoyed hearing her calling me El.

"You know the rules Steffi. He will hate me if I tell everyone that we're married. He loves his career so much, I can't just go and ruin it. Its his dream." I softly mumbled.

"Girl, if I were you. I would literally go on stage and shout to the world that their idol is mine. But knowing you, I know you would just sit here and embrace your lowkey one-sided love thing." She stated.

I've been married to him for 3 years now. The moment I turned 18, his parents pushed our marriage. He was against it while I didn't. I love him but I was his nightmare. But as everyone in our family believes it, no matter how much you hate the idea of getting tied at an early age, the elders' decision needs to be respected. No questions asked, end of discussion.

I heaved a deep sigh as I dropped my gaze back to my notes. We still have an exam and my mind was not focusing on what I'm reading. 

"By the way, you should congratulate him. You're still his wife girl, you need to show some support. Though it is just one-sided." She said with a grin with obviously a hint of sarcasm. Though she's right, I almost forgot to congratulate my beloved husband. 

Taking my phone out, I immediately typed my message.

To: My Hubbylove❤

Hi Jeonghan! I heard you won at the music show. Congratulations!! You all deserve it. I wish I could see you perform next time and cheer you up!

I'll see you soon. Congrats again.

PS: You look so cool today!


I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now