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Jukyung smiled, it was that kind of smile which had lots of pain behind it. I can even feel her sadness now. "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" Jukyung's mother ran towards her. "Get up now, Lim Jukyung" she added making me face palm.

"Lim Jukyung?" Seojun said trying to see Jukyung's face.

Seojun's mother and Jukyung's mother were now sitting and talking. Me, Seojun and Jukyung were in the other room. Seojun was getting on my nerves.

"Unbelievable" Seojun snickered taking pictures of Jukyung. "Ya! Will you stop now?" I yelled at him crossing my arms over my chest. Seojun completely ignored me so I tried to take his phone away.

Jukyung got up from the bed "Omma, I am going home".

"Will you frighten the neighbours at this hour? Wash your face first" Her mother replied.

Seojun and I were still fighting over the phone. "Give me that" I tried to grab it but that idiot had the height advantage. He put the phone out of my reach. "Never" he stuck his tongue at me. From the corner of my eyes I saw Jukyung going inside.

I hit Seojun's shoulder "give me your phone".

"It's my phone. Why would I give you my phone?" He said putting his phone higher because I had almost touched it. "Then delete the photos" I said jumping to get the phone. But somehow I had lost my balance which made me fall on Seojun, making him fall back on the bed and me on top of him.

Our faces were inches away. Any wrong movement could cause us to kiss. "Why do I always end up in situations like this?" I groaned burying my face in his neck. "Ya! Get...up" Seojun shuttered. I listened to him and got up quickly.

In the other room, Seojun's mother and Jukyung's mother were looking at us with open mouths. I blushed thinking about what position we were in seconds ago. Jukyung came out and probably saw my red face because she asked what happened.

I shook my head and dragged her to the other room. "Being that pretty must make you popular at school" Mrs. Han said. "You three must be really good friends since you are classmates" she added. "No, we are not" Jukyung and I said at the same time. Seojun glared at both of us.

"They can be starting today now. You three have clearly going on everything for you" Jukyung's mother started. "Since we said hello, come by our house tomorrow. I will cook you a meal. Also Irene you too" she added. Seojun politely bowed his head with his charming smile and I copied him.

What the hell Han Seojun? Do you have multiple personalities or something?

"But I am studying with my friends tomorrow" Jukyung said. Seojun pointed his index finger at Jukyung "she is going on a blind date". I stepped on his foot making him winch in pain.

"A blind date at your age? Now I get why you desperately wanted a facial" Jukyung's mother started scolding her.

On the other hand Seojun and I were having a stare down. "Come on, you only get to be young once. I would love my Seojun to have a girlfriend like Irene. They look so good together" she said making me break the stare down with Seojun and choke on my saliva. Jukyung patted my back. "But all he does is ride his motorcycle. Although, he quit recently" she added.

"He rides it all the time" Jukyung pointed her finger at Seojun. "He sped-" Jukyung was talking but Seojun put his hand over her mouth. "He almost ran over Jukyung today" I continued making Seojun put his other hand over my mouth. I bite his hand making him let go of my face. "Ya! What are you?" He hissed in pain.

"Are you kidding me? You promised" Mrs. Han said clearly getting upset. "How can I not ride what I own? Riding bus is just a waste of money" Seojun said in a childlike voice.

He clearly has multiple personalities. Hard infront of others, soft infront of mother.

"You left me no choice. Jukyung and Irene can you do me a favour" Mrs. Han said making both of us nod our head. "Let me know immediately if you ever spot him on his motorcycle, okay?" She added.

I gave her a thumbs up "we wil!"

"Omma! There's no need to-" Seojun started but his mother cut him off "are you going to break our promise?" That made him shut up.

"Can you do that for me?" She added. "Of course, we won't let you down" Jukyung dramatically put her hand over her heart. "With our last breath" I also did the same. Seojun nudged my shoulder and I smiled sweetly at him.

Jukyung sighed in pain and I sighed in relief as we walked out of the shop. "I guess I can't walk around without makeup now. I almost got caught today" she groaned. "Ya, be careful from now on. We were barely saved today. I don't know what will happen in the future" I said pulling my phone out to see the time.

"Thank you for helping me and coming today" she side hugged me. "Hey, you two" out of nowhere Seojun spoke. Jukyung jumped in fear. She really has a fragile heart.

"You two better not say anything funny to my mother" he said in a threatening voice. "What are you talking about? Your motorcycle?" Jukyung started shuttering.

"Do you think we are scared?" I tilted my head challenging him. "Next time when I see you with your motorcycle I will make sure to film it properly" I made a frame with my hand. "I will take multiple shots and make it like a movie. Then gift it to your mother" I smirked at him. He glared at me and was about to speak but Jukyung cut him off.

"We already made a promise to your mother and-" Jukyung said but Seojun cut her off. "And?" He raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean and? What else is there?" Jukyung started to think. "Ya! Jukyung he did more things too. He almost got disciplined for fighting with Suho" I pointed out.

"Oh, yes! Also he got beaten up by some goons" Jukyung said making me gasp. "Ya Han Seojun! Are you doing gang fights now?" I hit his shoulder. "Will you stop hitting me? This is maybe the 3rd time" he hissed at me. "Sorry" I innocently smiled at him.

"I won't tell any of that. I am really good at keeping secrets" said Jukyung. "But I am not" I smirked at Jukyung. Glaring at me for the last time Seojun started walking away. Why does everyone leave me like this?

"I will see you tomorrow" I bid Jukyung goodbye.

I quickly ran to Seojun. "Are you going home?" I asked making him jump. "What are you doing here?" He asked going back to his phone. "Going home" I peaked at his phone to see him looking at Jukyung's photos he snapped earlier. "You should really delete that" I said making him stick his tongue at me "Like I said never".

Sighing I started to walk faster leaving him. He is so childish.


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