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We had somehow found ourselves on the roof of the hospital. Maybe we weren't even allowed up here. But Seojun and I aren't people who actually care about stuff like that. Maybe Suho does. He will definitely kill Seojun by using the excuse that Seojun had lured me up here.

It was quite chilly here and I regret not bringing a jacket. "Are you cold? Should we go back?" Seojun asked as I leaned up against the wall. It was a beautiful night, the stars were shinning like glitter. "I'm fine." I said, gazing at the stars. He simply nodded his head in reply and went to watch the stars himself.

There was a long silence before I broke it. "You know I have been meaning to ask" I turned to him. He looked at me with his brows raised, waiting for me to continue. "I don't know. I mean I know but I don't know how to say it, if that even makes sense" the struggle was real. I had never confessed to someone. Like what the hell do you say? That you like them? But what do you say after that?

Seojun tilted his head still waiting for me to continue. I looked away from him, taking a deep breath I gathered my thoughts. If you can't say it then do it! Yes. No. Maybe!

I looked at him again, he hadn't spoken since I started to talk. I was nervously playing with my fingers trying to find the right words or at least do something. "Seojun I-" again I stopped talking. I didn't know what to say. Why is it so damn hard?

"Irene you?" Seojun tilted his head, patiently waiting for me to continue. If I don't say it today, I know I will never be able to say it. So I have to do it. "Seojun. I sorta, kinda, maybe, might, possibly love you" that's how Lee Irene confessed. God I'm referring to myself in third person. Maybe I have gone fully mad.

Seojun just blinked at me after hearing the words. His face showed no trances of emotion and that scared me. What if he doesn't like me because I took so long? What is he understood I'm not good enough for him? What if we won't be friends anymore after this day? What if-

°•Third person POV •°

Seojun who had finally processed what Irene had told her and couldn't stop the smile that made presence on his face. He gently took ahold of her hand, fearing she would disappear. Irene who had been consumed in her negative thoughts seems to be snapped out of her trance at the contact.

"You are possibly the best thing that has happened to me, Lee Irene" and with that Seojun had pulled her in for a hug. Irene had first stiffened at the act but after a few seconds she felt comfortable and hugged him back. He pulled back a little and stared at her face. She truly was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on. Seojun tucked some strands of hair behind her ear as she stared at him with adoration in her eyes. "Should we kiss now?" The question left her mouth even before she could realise it. She turned red as Seojun laughed nodding his head "we should. This time not accidentally".

(A/N: there goes my shitty writing skills)

Gently cupping her face he leaned in his heart beating faster than before. For a moment he thought she could hear his heartbeat. When their nose brushed against each other he heard a sharp intake of breath. He looked at her for a moment, her eyes were closed. Was she nervous as much as him? Was her heart beating fast like his? His thoughts were forgotten when his lips finally touched hers. At first he gently placed a small peck on her lips. He felt her smile.

Pressing his lips against her again he finally sealed their lips with a passionate yet gentle kiss. It was slow at first but got more passionate as each second passed. Her lips reminded him of strawberries he saw her munch on from time to time. He felt whole as if his world was finally full.

Breathlessly Irene pulled away, her cheeks tinted a rosy shade of pink which Seojun had come to love more, each time he saw it. She finally opened her eyes, panting a little as she looked up at him. Irene couldn't stop the smile making presence on her face as she felt giddy. Her smile caused him to smile as well.

They walked back holding hands, as the night had gotten chiller than before. As much as they both wanted to spend more alone time together, none of them wanted the other to fall sick. So they reached Irene's room where she was staying. Seojun had insisted on walking her to her room and she couldn't say no to him.

"So" Irene said as they reached her door. "Han Seojun, are you my boyfriend now?" Irene cheekily poked his side. "I believe I am" an amusing smile on Seojun's face. "Hmm... who could've thought I would date The Han Seojun" she dramatically said making him roll his eyes.

"As much as I don't want to let you go but you should probably rest. You also had a long day" Seojun said but he did the opposite by pulling her in for a hug. Irene laughed as she hugged him back careful to not touch his injured hand "You tell me go go yet you do the exact opposite. I knew I was irresistible but this is at another level".

"To be honest I can't even deny that" he laughed before pulling back and looking down at her. He kissed her forehead before finally letting her go. "I will see you tomorrow then" Irene said opening the door to her room. Seojun nodded and waved his good hand "Goodnight Little Daisy" he said. "Goodnight Seojunnie" she said and closed the door. Seojun stood there for something, her presence still lingering around him before making his way back.

On her bed laid a bag. She opened it to find some of her clothes and a note. Along with her clothes was the hoodie she had stolen from Seojun. The note was from her father saying he couldn't find her so he left it on the bed and he expected a phone call. She could call him tomorrow as it was quite late. He already works so hard, she didn't want to disturb his sleep.


Hello my dear lovely readers,

Long time no see. I hope you people are doing well. I'm not quite feeling good these days as I'm struggling with my mental health and life. This was one of the reason of why I was not updating. I couldn't find the motivation to write and sleept all day like a cat lmao. Another reason was I didn't know how to continue the story. This chapter was important for the future chapters so I didn't want to ruin it. It's not how I wanted it to be but maybe someday in the future I will edit it and make it more readable. I'm sorry for keeping you people waiting but you love for this story keeps me going. I love the comments you leave as most of them are really funny and makes my day. And thank you everyone for voting too. When I started writing this I never knew it would reach so far. So again I thank you for staying with me and enduring the pain of me not updating daily.


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