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Suho was out with his sadness and here I was getting bored. At least he had sadness to think about. And I haven't talked to Seojun since yesterday. I really should talk to him but I need to clear my mind first.

It was almost time for lunch so I should really get ready. With that I quickly got dressed. Father had insisted on sending a driver but I denied saying I want to take the bus. Bus rides are fun. You can stare at people, it doesn't have to be just the driver. Yes, I like to stare at people and zone out.

Grabbing my bag from the table I made my way out of the door. After locking and checking if I actually closed it for the fifth time, I made my way to the bus station. Thankfully I found the bus just when I got there. I sat down and pulled out my phone to text father that I was on the bus. After that I stared out of the window and zoned out.

It didn't take much time to reach there. I got of the bus and started to walk toward the direction of  Move Entertainment. I was thinking about what I could eat when I saw Suho running in the middle of street. What-? And Seojun following him. The fish? I quickly started to walk towards them not realizing it was still green light. I was on the side walk when I saw the both of them almost colliding with a car. "Suho! Seoju-" I stopped when I saw a car coming their way. They both stopped looking towards the car.

(Third person POV)

Irene ran but she was too late. The car had already hit them. Suho flew in the air and Seojun fell down on the road. Irene dropped her bag as she watched the scene in front of her. Her hands becoming cold. The chill she felt started to spread from her finger tips to her brain making it blank. She didn't know what to do. Her legs felt numb as if they were soaked in the cold water for hours. Her breathing became heavy and all she could do was say help. But it looked liked her mouth was betraying her too. No words came out of her mouth as she tried to speak. 

With shaking legs she tried to make an attempt to reach them but failed as she fell down just after five steps. What was she going to do? What if her uselessness makes everything worse? What if she can't help them. She can't let that happened. She saw people rushing towards Suho and Seojun. She could also hear the sound of ambulance in the distance. But everything seemed to become blurry and all she could hear was her sound of breath. A pair of arms shook her and she looked at the person. It was a women that was all she could make out of her before her vision became blank and she lost her consciousness


"And they lived happily ever after" Irene's mom closed the book and looked at her daughter who was frowning and had a pout on her face. 'I know what that look is. What do you want to ask?" she chuckled and pulled her daughter close to her. "Do they actually stay happy for the rest of their life? Selena eonni is not even an adult yet and she complains about her life already. Like how tiring it is to study and blah blah." little Irene shook her hands as she talked. (A/N: I'm crying here while thinking about what I am about to write:")) I'm sure she will continue to do it in the future too. So do they live happily for the rest of their life?" Irene looked up at her mother with eyes full of curiosity. 

"You want me to tell you the truth?" the older woman smiled at her daughter. Irene nodded her head " Yes, I want you to tell  me the truth". The older woman nodded her head too "well they don't live happily for the rest of their life" she grinned when she heard her daughter say 'I knew it'. 

"In life there is happiness and sadness. We need both for us to feel the taste of life. You can't just stay happy always. Life will be too-" she was cut of by Irene "Boring then" she smiled down at her. "yes. So when you are older and going through a hard time just remember there is light in the end of the tunnel-" she was again cut of. "Even if the tunnel is long? Like really really long?" 

She laughed at Irene nodding her head "Yes and I will be waiting for you there". Irene smiled brightly "Then I will run to you as fast as I can" they both laughed at that.

"Aren't you too big for fairy tales now?" Suho entered the room making both of them look at him. "Look who's talking. We literally are of the same age" Irene said. "But I'm older" Suho teased. Irene rolled her eyes and called out her mother who was watching the scene with amusement. She truly was luck to have them.

(Years later)

Tears welled up in the eyes of Irene as another thunder struck. The stupid light was gone too. She was going to complain a lot to her Appa later. But right now she can't sleep or stay alone. So she did the next best thing she could. Find a torch and crash in someones room. Suho was probably sleeping, Selena eonni was not home and father was not home. Mother!

She quickly made her way to her mother's room. Knocking on the door she opened it a bit and peeked her head inside. "Come on in. I was actually waiting for you" her mother said quiet  forcing the words out of her mouth. "Are you okay? You don't sound so good. Should I call Suho?" She was about to go but the older woman stopped her. "no, I'm okay. Come you can sleep here tonight"

"Are you sure you are okay?" she said as she climbed the bed. "Yeah, how was your day?" the woman asked. "Good. I was working  on a project and I got full marks" she smiled. "I'm so proud of you" her mother smiled at her. "Let's sleep now. You have school tomorrow" she said and Irene nodded closing her eyes. Irene was almost asleep when she heard her mother say 'I'm always with you and I love you'.

Irene started to feel thirsty which made her wake up. The lights had came back but father was still not here. She drank the water which was on the bed side table. She looked at her mother to see her hair covering her face. She brushed the hair out of her face and felt her cold skin on her finger tips. She was confused why her mother was so cold. Focusing on her more her heart shrunk when she felt that she wasn't breathing. She was wrong, right? She was dreaming, right? She looked at the pale face of her mother. She touched her hand to find it cold. She tried to shook her awake but she didn't open her eyes. Cold. Cold. Not breathing. Cold.

With shaky legs she tried to go out of the door. But after five steps she fell. COLD. Cold, she felt it. It spread through her whole body. Crawling her way out she made the attempt to scream Suho's name. But it came out almost as a whisper. But she had to call him. She didn't know what else to do. "Suho!" she did it. And she cried.

Suho jumped out of his bed and rushed out of his door only to find Irene on the floor crying. He crouched next to her and grabbed her "Hey, what happened?" She looked up at him "Mom" was all she could say before she started to cry more.

Suho tried to comfort her but he was confused and scared. He knew Irene was in shock but what might have caused it? Many thoughts struck his mind but he didn't want to think about them. After sometime he got up and went to check on his mother. He also tried to shook her awake and felt her cold skin. Cold. He also felt it.


I  am crying bye:")

For my exams which are in next month and for Suho and Irene:")

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