It's a date. I didn't make that clear?

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Ps. I just wanted to thank all of you guys and I started writing this story for fun but now it's became my escape from reality. I love all of you guys and please share this story of you can. Look be all of you guys.❤️❤️

Ella's pov
I don't know why I said yes to going out to dinner with Rick. I knew it was going to be the same as going out to dinner with Charlie. It hurt knowing that it would only be the same as before, just when I had escaped that I came crawling back to it. Even after I went through recovery and had finally built the confidence to eat food around people it was still hard to eat in front of people.  I hated the fact that Charlie had so much control over my life even after we broke up. I had gone to recovery for six months and even after that it was really hard to do anything with food around people.

" you ready to go on the best fake date you have even had. ". Rick was being so supportive and I was kind of excited for this. I suppose I should get out of my head. I have to do this eventually so might as well do it now.

"Well, Ricky-Poo are you ready for the best fast food place date ever.  Are we thinking taco bell MacDonalds?"  Those were the only places that charlie would ever take me. It was a native date and made me think that it was  a normal date for a couple.

"Wait, you thought we were doing fast food no. We are going to my favorite Mexican dinner.  They have the best burritos,  I go there all the time." Rick said like it was no big deal but I couldn't afford that right now.  I can't have a job and play varsity hockey, Adam's parents buy me clothes bacause they know that my parents are dead beats, but I don't want to tell Rick then have him tell everybody.  I doubt that he would actually do that but it was still possible.  It was embarassing that both my parents are drug addicts and alchoholics.  They don't even care that I live with Adam and his parents literally provide for me.  Other than clothes I refuse to accept their money so they sneak stuff in my drawers randomly or take me places like the salon or the mall to buy me things that I have to take.  If I didn't have them then I would be on the streets.  I would have nothing and wouldn't be able to play hockey.  My life would be even worse.  

"Rick I can't afford to eat there. I live off of the meal plan provided from the school." I knew that he would leave as soon as I said that but right after the words left my mouth his came just as fast.

"Who said that you were paying for your food? Mindy's sister works there and if I pay for yiur food then she will tell Mindy.  Also this counts as a date kinda so I have to pay." I was shocked I was developing feeling but I couldn't this was fake and I was just going to get my heart broken no matter the circumstances of what happens now or in the future.

"Wait a minute wait a minute, when did you ask me on a date? I don't remeber that happening." I knew that if i said that then it really would become a date.  Hopefully,  the only person I can talk to about feelings is Adam, but he has been extremly busy withhis new girlfriend who doesn;t seem to like me all that much.  Honestly, feelings were a mess with any teen but if you add parental issues then a varsity sport ontop f that you have a whole mess of issues thay you don't know how to solve.  

"It's a date.  I didn't make that clear?" Rick was acting like Io was supposed to know that the entire time.  He didn't make that clear at all,  I looked like crap, my hair was a mess and I was wearing sweats.

"No you didn't.  We can't go on a date when I look like this.  My hair is in a messy bun and I look like a hobo."  

"You look fine lets go."

Thank you all for 1k reads I love all of you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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