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tw // strong language

Third person's POV

Taki breathed heavily for the third time after remembering what he told the President with what he know that might help them in some ways.

He was arranging his stuffs inside his locker but, someone slammed it resulting it to create a loud bang.

When he turned around, he met the Vice President's glare and his tall figure is towering over him.

"W-what do y—"

Taki wasn't able to complete his sentence when the said guy grabbed him by the collar and dragged him until they reached the nearest comfort room for boys.

"What do you want from me?!" Taki yelled.

"Keep your fucking voice low" Daniel sternly said.

"Who the hell are you?!" Taki still screamed.

Daniel pushed Taki that he easily did since, he's taller.

"Take back what you just said to Jungwon" Daniel said.

"What did I— Wait up! You're voice are familiar! You're the one that I heard!" Taki said which widened Daniel's eyes and immediately grabbed Taki's wrist.

"Don't you dare open your mouth and tell this to them" Daniel said.

"And, why would I? Come on, they will know that all along you've been playing around them and you'll be punished!" Taki spat and gave Daniel a teasing smile.

"I don't think you'll be able to handle if I tell the faculty what you did on one of your exams" Daniel spoke and Taki immediately lose his smile so, Daniel chuckled with that. "You cheated, right? Just to show off to your parents that you're good? Tss. I pity you" Daniel even added and Taki can't even do or say anything since he can be suspended because, cheating is a big deal in their university.

"What do you want me to do?" Taki finally said after the long silence between them.

"I won't tell the faculty that you cheated if you'll tell Jungwon hyung that you lied to them and you're actually the one behind everything" Daniel said and Taki gasped.

"I c-can't do—"

Daniel grabbed him again by the collar. "You'll do what I want or you're name will be labelled as a cheater tomorrow?"

Taki can't do anything but, to nod and agree with it.

"Good. You should keep that mouth of yours shut or you'll be in trouble, hmm?" Daniel said and Taki slowly nodded.

Jay's POV

"Why aren't you believing us, Jay?! Seriously, you should appreciate that we're still here by your side even though, we badly want to abandon you!" Sunghoon yelled in annoyance.

"Tell me that's a joke or I'll kick you out of my house this instant?" I threatened him and he immediately formed his hand into a 'peace sign'.

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