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Jungwon's POV

"I need to tell you something" Mom said while holding my hands.

I was confused at first because I had a feeling that what mom's going to say is very important for me to know. "About what, mom?"

She let me sit on our couch and sat in front of me.

"About your hemophobia" Mom finally spoke.

That just made me even more confused and curious at the same time because why are we talking about that all of a sudden.

I just looked at mom, waiting for her to continue.

"I know you're probably wondering why I suddenly want to talk about this but I realized that you also need to know what really happened to you, Wonwon-ah" She started. "And, I'm sorry that I have to keep this from you for so long. I thought that your hemophobia won't come back but I was wrong"

"It's okay, mom. I just need to know the truth" I said.

Mom heaved a sigh before looking at me again. "When you were 4 or 5 years old, you were involved in a kidnapping case"

I couldn't process what mom just said. Me? Kidnapped?

I was about to say something when a memory and a voice flashed before me.

"Tomorrow night, I promise"

"When a doctor checked you, they said that your hemophobia is caused by the trauma because of what happened to you" Mom added.

Jay was kidnapped too.

"A-Am I alone there?" I asked.

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