recording at the studio

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Last day in Rome

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said to Victoria. We were having a girls afternoon where we talked about boys and just girl things.

"Us too, but atleast you will be in Italy. Then 2 weeks after we go to Rotterdam and you said you are coming."

"Yeah. Atleast I think so.  I still have to arrange things with my manager, Daphne."

"Oh, well hopefully she will give you the go ahead. And who is this Daphne anyway?"

"She is kind of a big part of Sony Music Italia and they took out applications for some people to apply to, so someone could be their manager. And also to be a big part of the music career."

"Oh well nice to hear that. If we win Eurovision, we will have a contract with Sony Music as well, so we may meet there sometime."

"Yeah hopefully Victoria. I can't wait till Eurovision!"

"Same! The others are already doing meditation." She said letting out a giggle as she drank another glass of wine.

"Victoria calm down with the alcohol you're gonna get drunk."

"So what! We have nothing to do so drink on."

"I can't drink remember? Tomorrow I have to go to Milan and if I have a hangover I won't do a good impression."

"Oh yeah right. Well what are you gonna do today?" Victoria asked me.

"Well I was thinking that first we go record the song me and Damiano wrote, then at like 6pm we go out together and go to a restaurant. And maybe a bar, but I'm not gonna drink." I said.

"Wait. You wrote what song with Damiano?!" She said loudly as a big smile grew on her lips.

"As you should. Finally you guys realised you're fucking soulmates." I laughed at her. I was gonna miss her a lot, she was like the bestfriend I never thought I needed, except for Carla of course. I wonder how her mother has been. Hopefully she is ok because Carla hasn't been active for 5 days. It isn't the usual for her.

I showed Victoria the song Over And Over Again and she almost cried from reading the lyrics.

"And of course I can't play it to you because I need a piano. So you'll listen to it recorded."

"I'm so excited Jade! It sounds like a really good song!" She said smiling even harder now.

"Oh you two love birds make me sick," She replied sarcastically. "I wish I found love like the love you and Damiano have."

I chuckled and then my phone started ringing.

"Excuse me Vic."

I answered it, it was Damiano.

"Baby meet me at the home studio in 10 minutes. Love you."

He hung up without giving me a chance to speak.

I went back inside.

"Vic I gotta go to the studio because Damiano wants to see me in 10 minutes."

"Oh okay then. Bye Jade."

"Bye Victoria."

I left the house and took my car keys out of my pocket. I opened the door to my car and went inside. There was only a 5 minute drive to the studio, so I got there in 10 minutes. "There you are amore, ready to record Over And Over Again?"

He exclaimed happily. "Of course amore let's go." I replied taking his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers.

I went inside the room where I had to sing in and Damiano went outside to play the backing track of the song. As I heard it through the headphones I was wearing I began singing the lyrics. With every word I was singing, I was singing passionately. Every single word I wrote in my part I meant it.

Then as the chorus ended Damiano came in my place and sang the second part. His voice came out raspy but yet so smooth. I was so excited when this song would come out.

As the chorus came again, I went next to Damiano and sang the higher harmony so we could match. He was giving me such a warm and happy smile that it melted my heart and made me wanna sing even more.

Then as the last sentence ended we both high fived each other and hugged each other.

"Now, let's go see it." Damiano said biting his lower lip. Damiano arranged a few parts here and there but other than that the song was perfect.

"It's perfect." I said to Damiano who was now seated next to me, emotional.

"It is." Damiano told me unable to speak. "Now Damiano call the others so they can come."

"Ok amore." I saw him tap on a group chat they all had together.

"Ciao ragazzi venite in studio." Damiano spoke through the phone. (Hey guys come to the studio." Then I heard Ethan or Thomas speak.

"Stiamo arrivando."

Then Damiano hung up and waited for them to come. Meanwhile me and Damiano were talking about the whole Milan thing and about my manager and all.

"Now, enough about me. How are you feeling for Eurovision?" I asked smiling. He took a breath and let it out. "Excited. Unbelievable though. It was just a few years ago that we were playing on streets. And now here we are, winning Sanremo, representing Italy in Eurovision." Damiano said while shaking his head as he took in memories from the past.

"You forgot something baby."

"Yeah and what is it?" He asked me smiling.

"Winning Eurovision."

He chuckled. "I don't know baby, there are a lot of good countries this year. And besides you never know."

"Well number one, you are one of the greatest countries competing this year and my gut never says something wrong so you'll see."

Then we heard a door open and in came Victoria, Ethan and Thomas.

"Hey guys we are here." Victoria said.

"Come on let's listen to this amazing song." Victoria said smiling a lot harder than she was when she came in.

"What song?" Ethan and Thomas asked obliviously.

"You will see then." I chuckled at them. Damiano pressed play on the computer and we all heard the song.

Victoria already knew the lyrics but was crying so hard no one could stop her.

Ethan and Thomas looked speechless but happy and Damiano looked at me the whole time and hugged me. Then as the song ended all of the others started clapping and then Damiano got up and bowed. I smiled at Damiano as he then placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

Yeah we'll stay brand new
Cause I'll love you
Over And Over Again.

Toxic - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now