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It's been a few months from ESC and I could say that I almost never talked to them. I unfollowed Damiano from all social media platforms, I didn't unfollow the others because that would be cruel besides they never did anything to hurt me. A lot of things happened within these two months, I released the song I wrote about Carla which went viral within a week and now Damiano is engaged to Michelle.

I wasn't gonna do anything to ruin their relationship though. I didn't wanna see Damiano, let alone stick my nose in his business. Daphne helped me a lot and Kate as well. Me and the others members of Måneskin still talked but very rarely because one time they were busy and sometimes I was.

I was walking back home to my apartment when I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside. I decided not to care because it could've been Kate's car, a new one. I kept going and unlocked the door. As I was about to open the door I heard Kates voice and someone else, someone familiar. I opened the door and I saw two of my bestfriends.

"Victoria?" I screamed, frightening the two of them. "Jade!" Victoria said as she ran towards me. "I missed you so much!" Victoria said to me.

"I missed you too Vic. Did Kate let you in here?" I asked her. "Yeah I did I mean she sent you about a million messages telling you that she's gonna visit you but you never opened them." Kate said. "Oh I'm so sorry Vic, this past week I was very busy." I said frowning. "It's ok I mean none of the others know. They think I'm visiting my grandma in Milan." She said chuckling. We all continued talking for a while and laughed. "So Vic you are welcome to stay here until you leave." I told her with a smile. "Oh yeah Kate already invited me but thanks." She said to me. I smiled at Kate and Kate laughed at my expression. We decided to order dinner and watch a movie. "We are doing a #WAP night tonight!" Kate exclaimed. "What?!" Me and Victoria both screamed. "Oh no not that type of wap, I meant wine and pizza, god you're dirty minded." We all laughed at Kate and then the doorbell rang. Victoria went to go get it and after a few seconds the smell of delicious pizza came right towards us. "That smells so good, there is definitely something special about Italian pizza!" Kate said. "Well I mean pizza was first ever made in Italy so its made better than in other countries." Victoria told her. Kate nodded and then we both dug in and searched for a movie. We ended up watching Fear Street 3. When we had finished the movie we were so sad.

"I can't believe we watched it all, it was so good." Victoria said. We all agreed with her. We threw away the pizza boxes and changed into our pjs. "I will sleep alone and you and Victoria will sleep together." Kate said as she winked at me. "Just don't do anything dirty." Kate whispered in my ear. I slapped her hand in a funny way while my eyes grew wide. "Stop it she'll hear you!" I whispered back to her. Kate laughed and said goodnight.


"I heard you guys you know?" Victoria whispered to me smiling. "Ugh im so sorry Vic." I said frowning. "Nah it's okay don't worry about it." She said laughing. We both talked about Michelle and Damiano and how they got engaged. "Just to tell you Jade, he isn't that happy but he still tries to show but it isn't his real happiness. " Victoria told me. "Yeah well I dont care, I trusted him, twice and he still did a mistake, what does he expect? For me to trust him again?" I said almost crying. "Every relationship I had was either abusive or bad. I can never give anyone my heart again, except you and Kate." I said finally looking at Victoria who was frowning. She was looking at my eyes then at my lips. And then finally our lips met. Then Victoria let go. "I'm sorry Jade I know you said you won't let anyone break your heart again." She said avoiding eye contact. "It's okay Vic, goodnight."

It was confusing yet good. But I wasn't ready. Atleast not yet.

Toxic - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now