Chapter 4: The Gremory Behind The Lunatic

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3rd Person POV
The Houses of Gremory and Sitri met at the Gremory Mansion. The peerages of Rias and Sona would also get to meet Riser Phenex's new opponent replacing Issei, Y/N Gremory.

Everyone sat in the living room, Zeoticus with Venelana, sitting next to Lord and Lady Sitri on one couch. On the other couch was Sirzechs and his wife, Grayfia, and Y/N and Serafall sitting next to them. On a third couch, sat Rias and Sona with their queens.

The only difference other than everyone left standing, was that Serafall seemed to be cuddling Y/N's arm like a koala bear.

Zeoticus: Now that we are all here, I think it's time to introduce the rest of the family.

Ruruko: Rest if the family?

Venelana: For those who do not know, meet Y/N Gremory, our second son and fraternal twin brother of Rias!

Y/N: Howdy.

Issei: Wait, fraternal?

Akeno: It means that they are twins but they won't look alike. If you noticed, Rias inherited their father's genes, and Y/N definitely took after his mother.

Y/N: I mean, what can I say? Mom's genes just wanted me more.

Rias: Hey now, don't get cocky brother.

Sirzechs and Y/N: Which one?

Both brother fist bump each other.

Issei: Okay, but what was with Serafall making out with him earlier?

Grayfia: Lady Leviathan and Y/N have been engaged for quite some time now. I believe their wedding is drawing near.

Issei: Wait! Engaged?! Seriously?!

Serafall: Yep! And I couldn't be any more happier than to marry him!

Y/N: As I am excited to marry you.

Serafall gave a happy little giggle and nuzzled her face into Y/N's arm.

Serafall: By the way, you still owe my mom an apology.

Y/N: What? Oh is it about that?

Serafall nods. Y/N notices Lady Sitri's mad glare at him.

Y/N: Ah.

Rias: Brother, what did you do?

Y/N: Well......

Before the engagement between Y/N Gremory and Serafall Leviathan could be finalized, Y/N had to get permission from Lord Sitri to marry her.

Y/N sat in one couch, as Serafall, Lord and Lady Sitri sat on the opposite side. Serafall held a bubbly smile as her parents spoke to her fiancé.

Lord Sitri: So why do you want to marry my daughter?

Y/N: I will be completely honest with you sir.....



















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