Chapter 6: Old Man Beatdown: Y/N Gremory/Dean Ambrose vs. Lord Phenex

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3rd Person POV
It was one day after the sudden and extremely eventful contract signing between Y/N and Riser.

It was now the night of the first stimulation of their contract. Y/N would fight Riser's father, Lord Phenex.

Rias, Her Peerage, Serafall, Venelana and Lady Phenex were all sitting near the ring.

Issei: I'm still not getting my Y/N is fighting Riser and Ravel's dad.

Lady Phenex: Believe me young man, I wish I knew why too.

Rias: Well if I know my brother-

Serafall: And my Husbando!

Rias: Yes, and your "Husbando" Lady Serafall. My guess is that he would do this because Y/N doesn't like Riser just a much as me.

Issei: Maybe a little too much more.

Issei's Mind: (Still trying to see what his deal is with Canadians though.)

Just then, Retaliation began to play. Everyone watched as Y/N Gremory arrived to the ring.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in at 224 pounds. DEAN AMBROSE!

Issei: Dean Ambrose? But isn't that-

Serafall: Did you forget his wrestler name again Issei?

Issei: Oh! That's right!

Issei then turns to Rias, Venelana and Serafall.

Issei: But why did they say Cincinnati? Isn't that like, in the U.S. or something?

Venelana: It's where Y/N normally goes to train.

Issei: Huh. Interesting.

Issei turns to see Y/N looking at him with a crazed face, and shaking his head at him like a maniac.

Y/N turns back to the stage to wait for his opponent. After a minute of waiting, everyone saw Lord Phenex marching with a furious look on his face with no entrance music. What he was wearing had Y/N laughing his ass off.

Lord Phenex was wearing a school wrestling singlet and old sneakers.

Announcer: And his opponent, residing in the House of Phenex, weighing in at 289 pounds. He is the Head of the House of Phenex, Lord Edward Phenex!

Issei couldn't help but laugh as well, but soon, his cheek was grabbed and pinched by Rias.

Rias: Behave yourself Issei.

Issei: Gah! Yes ma'am!

Rias let's go of his cheek and everyone prepares to watch the match go on.

Lord Phenex stood on one corner as Y/N stood in another. The brown haired Gremory held a massive smile on his face.

Lord Phenex: What are you smiling about?

Y/N: Oh nothing, just been waiting for this moment for a long time now.

The bell rang and Y/N blasted forward into a crossbody, which took down Lord Phenex.

Y/N got above Lord Phenex and began to punch the living shit out of his face, with both fists one by one at a very fast rate.

After a few seconds, Y/N got off and shook his head around like a crazed man as Lord Phenex covered his face, with some blood leaking from his fingers.

Lord Phenex got up with a little bit of fire coming from his face, healing what seemed to be a broken nose. He glared hard at the Lunatic.

Lord Phenex: I'll kill you!

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