Increase What Now? Part 35

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Rydr stepped up to the blue and red portal, taking one last look around the cavern he'd been trapped in. There was no way of knowing how long the Titan spent cooped up inside the subspace, but he was almost sad to see it go.

The cavern was peaceful, with a clear goal that needed to be accomplished. Even though it was extraordinarily frustrating and challenging, Rydr enjoyed every moment of it. 

Besides the professional skills awarded to Rydr and the change in his [Third Eye] into the [Aetheric Eye], there were innumerable skills learned during the Trail. The way Rydr held the hammers changed radically by the end of the Trial, experimenting with different grips on every hammer.

Strength, precision, and intent were all absolute must's for Rydr to pass the Trial. Now that it was over, the giant was finally forced to start tackling the issues he'd put off.

I need to handle Grotto's emergency before I can dedicate myself to smithing. However, what I need is down in the mines. If I can get back to the entrance, we originally jumped down...

Rydr shook his head to dispel the thoughts. He was getting ahead of himself in his plans. 

First things, first. It's time to meet up with the other two and find out the extent of Grotto's situation.

Resolved as to his next steps, Rydr stepped into the glowing portal and vanished. Inside the cavern, all the hammers and tables slowly rose from the ground once more, awaiting the next Trial.


Rydr appeared on the opposite side of his boulder of ore, the same side the portal originally appeared on. Across the workroom, Lynn was in the middle of opening the door to leave when a light flashed behind the elf.

As Rydr stood there, he casually leaned down and put the huge piece of ore back into his [Inventory]. 

Lynn's ears twitched on the other side of the room as he turned around to face Rydr fully.

"How long was I gone for?" Rydr immediately asked. He was intensely curious, seeing that Lynn had moved from where he drop-kicked Rydr into the portal.

"Around twenty seconds," Lynn muttered, almost to himself but loud enough for Rydr to hear.

Rydr grunted, "Huh, it felt like I was in there for a week." The giant reached up to scratch the back of his head as he summoned his messages' menu. The Titan quickly fired off a message to Urginok, asking the tank where he was at the moment.

While Rydr was busy, Lynn slowly closed the door to the workroom as he walked over to the giant. 

"Are you sure it felt like a week in there?" Lynn questioned the Titan because when the elf originally took the Trial, he was stuck in the cavern for months. 

It wasn't that Lynn was a dunce, far from it. Smithing, even Aetheric Smithing, was far outside the normal wheelhouse for an elf's skills. His people normally grew their weapons and armor over many years, guiding an Ironwood's growth. 

Lynn sighed and said, "It took me several months to increase [Metal Spirit]'s mastery level high enough to challenge the giant hammer." 

Rydr performed a doubletake as he spun to face the elf, "You increased what now, to do the what now?"

Lynn stared at the giant, deadpan, "[Metal Spirit]? The Aetheric skill used to attune your own Aether to that of another object to influence it? You do have it, don't you?" 

Rydr stared right back, "Yes, but it was given to me for completing the Aether Smith Trial." 

Lynn frowned, shaking his head, "For completing it? Then how did you complete the Trial?"

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