Best Laid Plans Part 52

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Rydr took off in search of another goblin patrol. By his estimate, the side of the forest nearest to Grotto was clear of goblins by this point. While the other patrols searched the surrounding forest for their lost companions, his team would strike.

The Titan lept from tree to tree, the wind whistling past his face. When necessary, the giant altered his direction in midair using his "airball" trick. 

Rydr was actually grateful that he hadn't found a pair of boots yet. His bare feet offered the giant better traction on the rough bark of the tree trunks. The more he practiced, the easier it was for the giant to use this method of travel silently.

At first, whenever Rydr landed on a tree, he would shake the whole thing. After a bit of trial and error, the Titan found that he could make "airballs" of varying strength to change his direction and cushion landings.

A few hours later, and he could travel silently above the forest floor. Rydr's [Aetheric Eye] effectively had night vision, allowing the colossus to dodge tree branches. If the Titan broke any branches now, it was on purpose.

His avatar would come up from underneath the branches by altering his jump height, thereby evading them. It also helped that the Mana Wellspring greatly enhanced the growth speed of these already huge trees. 

Their lowest boughs were nearly twenty meters off the forest floor. Nevertheless, there were small gouges left behind from the giant's toes all over the forest. With as much circling back as he was doing, Rydr made sure to leave the marks low enough that the goblins could see them.

To help with the atmosphere a little. 

When Rydr originally pitched the plan to his team, Syrna was the first to realize what kind of psychological warfare the giant was after. Then she accused Rydr of watching too many old movies.

As big as he was, Rydr traversed from the East side of the forest to its Southside in near-perfect silence. This time, the journey was long enough that Rydr had to monitor his mana bar closely.

The more the Titan relied on his trick spell, refining its function, the closer he felt it was to being codified as an actual spell. However, his prolonged use also gave him some ideas.

Unfortunately, those improvements would have to wait until Rydr had free time in the game. Something that was quickly becoming a rare commodity for the colossus. 

On the other hand, in the absence of goblin patrols, Rydr worked on the spell every time he used it. Between flexing his muscles and his mind at the same time, the giant's trek through the trees was akin to pacing.

Little by little, he increased his mastery of the trick spell. Casting speed, varied strength, and shape all began to show significant improvement.

Now, I need it to be a little flatter and less "ball" like. Not that the ball won't have its uses. Before Rydr became too absorbed in his thoughts, the colossus spied another goblin patrol moving on the forest floor. 

Abusing his trick spell, the Titan quickly dove down under the branches above the goblin patrol before ascending. Rydr rose parallel to the tree trunk, watching it rush past his face. At the peak of his jump, he extended his hands and feet, digging into the bark and creating an ominous creaking sound.

Below the behemoth, the goblin patrol paused their advance to listen quietly for the source of the wooden creaking. Their hobgoblin commander even peered upward, worried about the distant screams it heard earlier.

Rydr climbed higher into the tree, up into its branches where he was better hidden. Then, the giant took a deep breath, leaned away from the tree, and roared.

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