The Mine-Shaft Part 17

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As soon as the "one" left Syrna's mouth, Rydr clenched his jaw and bore down on his right leg with all his strength. Rydr felt the ground cave underneath him and feared that he miscalculated his plan. He needn't have worried. 

Rydr rocketed forward almost parallel to the ground, a trail of debris following in his wake where he shattered the ground in a small crater with his kickoff.

Guile seemed to leap forward at Rydr; he flew towards him so quickly. With a paltry ten feet between Rydr and Guile, it took less time to reach his foe than he had to blink. In an amazing display of skill, Guile reacted to Rydr's charge, where others saw a blur crossing the distance.

Guile brought his shield up and was surrounded by a flare of silver light that settled on his metal armor, making it gleam like mirrors. The pallid man's face peered at the flying giant, eyes wide in fear, over the edge of his guard. 

The over-sized kite shield he wielded covered most of Guile's front. Rydr cursed, his thoughts flying faster than his body, and shifted his stance mid-flight.

Unlike the bent forward batter's pose that he used originally, Rydr contorted his body, so his sideways swing turned into a curving, underarm golf swing. At the last instant, before he crashed into Guile's greasy face, Rydr extended his left leg and caught himself. 

Unlike his other, harsh stops that he made while fighting the wolves, Rydr turned his leg into a rolling fulcrum for his energy.

The energy of Rydr's charge smoothly transitioned into an attacking force. Rydr's swing brought the warhammer's head underneath the lip of Guile's shield, sweeping it up and out of the way with such power that the heavily armored player was knocked airborne. 

After he dumped his forward momentum into Guile's body, Rydr used his swing to pivot on his left leg, spinning like a wobbly top.

In a flash, Rydr spun in a circle, arresting the last of his forward motion, and brought his weapon to bear on the helpless bully. Mirroring his original stance, Rydr crushed Guile's left knee's side like he was swinging for the fences. 

Guile saw spots as he flew into the air, unable to process the train that just ran him over. Before he could recover, his world blurred into disorienting color and pain when Rydr struck him in the air and spun the man like a prize wheel.

Every time he connected with his enemy, Rydr felt the roll of power through his body. It traveled from his core, through his muscles, and down into the haft of the weapon in his hand, making his limbs vibrate with uncontrollable force. The feeling made Rydr's heart pound in his chest, and his eyes light up and glow with a bloody, red light.

Even his anger couldn't suppress the excitement this fight made him feel. Rydr felt like nothing in the world could stifle just how cool he felt right now. 

A savage joy surfaced in Rydr's heart that demanded he fights more, strike harder and prove that he was more powerful against a strong opponent.

With a roar, Rydr stomped on the ground and forced his body in the opposite direction. His muscles like taught cables Rydr crushed the ground under his left leg as he battled against inertia. 

From the corner of his eye, he watched Guile's head swing through the air to take the place his legs occupied an instant before. Rydr wouldn't be able to bring the weapon around in time.

Desperate, Rydr choked up on the hammer and pulled towards his body. He brought the haft close to his body and twisted from full extension, slamming his left shoulder into the handle just under the hammerhead. Say hello to Newton's first and second laws, asshole!

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