Chapter 1

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Hello readers! I just wanted to say thank you for choosing to read my first book, and I hope you enjoy it!

Also, this book contains violence, rape and mature scenes. Please don't read this book if you have any triggers.
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Leah POV

I've never been a lucky person. It started when my mum died when I was 9. It was sudden, and my dad lost himself. He locked himself in his room and never did anything, making me have to look after the both of us. This went on until I was 17, when I met the man who changed my life.

Lucas Diaz.

I met him at school, and for months after that, we hung out with my best friend as a child, Mary. Lucas and I got closer, and 7 months after we met, he asked me to be his girlfriend, to which I said yes.

That was the worst choice of my life.

The two of us dated for a year and half, and I thought we were happy. But I thought wrong. It all started when he came home from work. I remember that night so clearly. I had just finished setting up the table when he came home. Lucas and I moved into a house after we graduated from high school, and eventually managed to buy it from Lucas' work money.

Once Lucas hung up his coat, he made his way to the dining table and sat down. He scanned his empty plate and leered at me.

"Where's my dinner?" Lucas demanded, his eyes turning to slits as he kept his gaze focused on my figure in the kitchen.

"I had to finish setting up the table, so I just have to finish this up real quick." I answered, moving quicker. Lucas stood from his chair at the table and stalked his way over to me. I inclined my head to look at Lucas, and slowly my hands stopped functioning and stilled when I took in Lucas' demeanor.

Lucas walked with aggression, never taking his eyes off me. Before I knew it, Lucas had a firm grasp on my arm, causing a pain to shoot up my arm. He dragged me out from the kitchen and to the dining table. Lucas yanked me from behind him and brought his free hand to the back of my head. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair and gripped it with such strength, my hair felt like it was going to rip out of my skull.

Lucas forced my head to the table with speed, my head rattling the table at the impact. There was a searing pain in my head, and I felt a trickle of blood run down the side of my face. Lucas lowered his head slowly to be leveled with my ear as my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

Lucas' lips brushed my ear, making my body involuntarily shiver in fear as he spoke.

"When I come home after working and making money that I spend for you, I expect my food to be on the table in my clean house. Am I understood?" I was frozen in place, my head still throbbing as I attempted to steady my breathing.

Lucas raised my head and slammed my head into the table again, the forks rattling against the plates mixing with my yelp of pain.

"I said," he spoke, his voice only getting more threatening, "am I understood?" Lucas pushed my head deeper into the table, the throbbing in my head getting worse. I gritted my teeth and squeaked out a 'yes'. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucas lips lift into a malicious smirk, pulling his head away from mine. I felt him unwind his fingers from my hair and him pulling away from my body.

I slowly raised myself from the table, wincing from the pain in my head. I cleaned myself up and continued on with my night.

That was my mistake. I never told anybody about what he did. I thought that it was a one-time thing and that we could move on with our relationship. Boy, was I wrong. Lucas kept on getting violent, and more and more frequently. He kept me locked in his house and made me do things I didn't want to do. The only person I could talk to was Mary.

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