Chapter 23-5 Days Left

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Hello, readers! So, I checked my account a couple of days ago, and I saw that The Mafia's Maid had reached 5k reads!!! I just can't believe that this book has blown up so fast, and I have all of you to thank for it. So thanks to you all, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Leah POV

"Clarke, it's time to go!" Romero yelled from the entry. Surrounding us were piles and piles of suitcases. We were only going for two days, why did we need to pack so much?

As if I had asked the question out loud, Vlado turned to me.

"We pack so much because my parents drag us to all kinds of events, especially when we're planning a celebration. My mother makes sure we have different kinds of clothes to try on for the preparation, and it's honestly safer for all of us if we take the extra stuff than to go shopping with her." I looked at my one suitcase standing next to me, and Vlado followed my gaze.

"I'm in trouble then, aren't I?" I looked back up at him.

He sucked in a breath through his teeth before looking back at me. "Unfortunately." We both let out a laugh and continued talking as we waited for Clarke. A few minutes later, Clarke and Mary walked into view, hand in hand. As soon as I saw them, I gave Mary a look with a raised eyebrow. She blushed as she gave me a threatening look, and I raised my hands in defence with a chuckle.

Although I thought that Clarke and Mary looked good together, I was still unsure about her. I didn't fully understand why Clarke didn't keep her promise, but if Mary was fine with her, then I trusted her. I couldn't help the small smile on my face when I saw how happy Mary was with Clarke as they walked side by side.

"Let's go! Chop chop!" Romero clapped his hands at the two of them before heading outside with two suitcases. I was the only one who saw the quick kiss on the cheek Clarke gave Mary before she helped with the bags. I waited until everybody else was outside packing the car and gave Mary a look.

"What?" She laughed when she saw the look I gave her.

"Don't 'what' me! I saw that little kiss on the cheek! What's going on between you and Clarke? Did you get your smooch on in her room?" I teased as I wandered up to her. "Ahh! You did!" I exclaimed when I saw a blush come to her cheeks.

"Shut up!" She gave me a little shove as we walked back over to the suitcases and bags. We grabbed a couple each and headed outside to the cars parked in the driveway.

"Alright! Ok," I chuckled lightly. "I'll leave the topic alone...for now." She gave me a glare and I laughed.

"Where's Amelia?" I asked when I noticed that I hadn't seen the redhead in a while.

"She had a family emergency, so she had to take a couple days off to deal with it."

"Aww, I hope everything's ok." Mary nodded in agreement. We reached the car quickly and handed the car to Vlado and Romero who were packing the suitcases in the two cars. I handed mine to Vlado, and he took them with ease. I tried to ignore the feeling of our fingers brushing against one another and headed back with Mary to help carry in the rest of the bags.

In just under an hour the cars were packed, but there was a different problem.

"I'm going with Leah, and that's final Theo!"

"But I don't want to drive with Vlado! He's always brooding."


"Sorry, not sorry, it's true."

I stood there awkwardly with Mary as the others argued. There were so many bags and suitcases in the two cars that only the driver and passenger seats could be used, so Clarke, Vlado, and Theo were arguing about who they're going to spend the two-hour drive with.

"What makes you think I want to drive with Vlado?!"


"Oh, shut up, Vlado! You know it's true," Clarke rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

"Exactly! So maybe you should drive with Vlado, and I'll drive with Leah. We're gonna turn up the radio and sing even louder until our throats croak." Theo walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder to prove his point. Vlado's arms tensed slightly in front of him, but it was hidden well.

"No way, nuh-uh. She's doing that with me, not you. I'm sure Vlado would love to do that with you, Theo," Clarke countered.

"If you guys really want," all eyes turned to me, "I can just go with Vlado." Theo and Clarke's angry faces immediately twisted into sadness and pity.

"Oh, honey, trust me; you don't want to do that," Clarke said softly as she walked towards me, taking my hands in hers. "Vlado is boring."


"She's right, you don't want to spend two hours in a car alone with him."

Vlado's loud sigh got the attention of everyone. "We need to get going, so Leah will drive with me, Clarke and Theo will go in the second car, and everyone else stays here."

"Fine," Clarke and Theo said in unison. "Good luck; you'll need it," Theo whispered before he and Clarke headed to the closest car.

I turned to Mary. "So, I'll see you in a couple of days. I'll call you when we get there," I gave her a hug.

"You better," she smiled once we broke apart. I gave her a final wave before I walked over to the car that Vlado was already waiting in. I sat on the passenger seat, buckling in the seatbelt and looking up at Vlado. He was already looking at me with a smile and his hands on the steering wheel.

"You ready for a long ride?" He asked with a smile. I nodded, ignoring his choice of words, and he turned the key in the ignition. "Let's go."

Unknown POV

I walked around the empty halls of the large house slowly, taking in every detail. Every door. Every stripe. Every scratch. Everything. And I couldn't hold back the smile that crept across my face as I walked.

What a bunch of idiots.

My grin deepened when I finally found myself in front of Vlado's office.

Well, well, well.

What a fortunate turn of events.

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