Chapter 45

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HELLO, EVERYONE!! First, I want to say, THANK YOU FOR 100K READS <3 I can't say how much I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this book. I hope it's been worthwhile, and I hope you all have a day as fabulous as you all are. Make sure to let me know your thoughts!

Leah POV

How can somebody be so unlucky? I'm convinced that the world is targeting me specifically.

The door handle rattled as I tried to pry the car door open. Who cared if the car was still moving? Road burns were better than getting kidnapped. But the door wouldn't open.

"Fammi uscire!" Let me out! I screamed at the man, but all he did was smile. I struggled to catch my breath. This had gone south way too fast. All I wanted was a ride.

"Ho detto fammi uscire!" I said let me out! I pleaded, my voice shaking slightly. He chuckled this time.

He glanced over at me. "Non uscirai, quindi non provarci nemmeno." You won't get out, so don't even try. That was all he said before he turned his attention back to the long road ahead, seemingly deciding that he had said enough.

I sat back in the seat, trying to catch my breath. It felt like it had gotten a lot smaller in here.

Suddenly, I was reminded of the weapon pressed against my stomach and looked down at the small bump in my shirt. It looked innocent enough, but I knew otherwise.

The man's eyes were glued to the road, and I used it to my advantage. Carefully, I ran my hand over the bump, slipping my hand under my shirt to grasp the weapon. Before the man could notice anything, I quickly pointed the gun at his head.

The car swerved slightly, and his eyes were wide.

"Cosa fai?"What are you doing?  He stuttered, his hands tightening on the wheel.

"Che cosa sembra? Ti sto puntando una pistola alla testa." What does it look like I'm doing? I'm putting a gun to your head. I stated through gritted teeth, pressing it against his head to further prove my point. He took a shaky breath.

"Cosa vuoi?" What do you want? He quivered.

"Per prima cosa, ferma la macchina." First, stop the car. I ordered, being sure to keep my voice firm.

He did as I said, pulling over to the side of the road before stopping. "Bene. Ora, apri la porta." Good. Now, open the door. His jaw clenched as he opened the door. He probably knew where I was going with this.

"Ora esci." Now get out. I waited, but he didn't move. "Ho detto di uscire." I said get out.

Before I could react, he grabbed the back of my head and slammed my face into the dashboard. Pain shot through my head, but I kept a firm grip on the gun. He reached for it, but I quickly pulled it out of his reach and brought it down to his head. He went down quickly, leaning against the wheel. I think I knocked him out.

I carefully poked him with the gun, whipping it away quickly, but he didn't move. It looks like I did. Not like he didn't deserve it though, I'm pretty sure he gave me a bloody nose. I raised my hand to my nose, pulling it back with red fingertips. What an asshole.

Knocking a guy out seemed like it would have made me queasy, but I guess things were different now. I suppose I had a little practice thanks to Lucas, and I quickly formed a plan.

In less than five minutes, I was back on the road, driving to the nearest gas station. I looked in the rearview mirror at the man laying where I had left him. He'll be fine.

I kept driving until I made it to the closest gas station. It was busy for some reason, a few cars sitting out front. I was nervous at the sight of the cars. They looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't tell where from.

I walked into the store, being sure to wipe my face fresh of blood before going in. I strolled through the small aisles, searching for something to eat. Thankfully, the 'kidnapper', or Ivan as I learned his name was from his ID, wasn't entirely useless. He had a thick wad of cash in his car, so may as well put it to use.

"Leah!" I paused, turning around very slowly and very confused. That was until a pair of arms flew around me, almost knocking me off of my feet.

"Mary?" I said, unsure of if it was even her. I honestly couldn't tell, all I could see was blonde hair shoved in my face. She pulled away, grasping my shoulders tightly. "How are you-here?"

"Me?" She asked bewildered. "How are you here? I get a random call, a-and then you're suddenly at a gas station two hours down the road?" She sighed, laughing lightly. "You're crazy."

And then another familiar voice called out. One that I was not so happy to hear. "Leah." I looked over Mary's shoulder at the tall, muscular, very angry man. Or happy, I couldn't tell.

All I knew is that he was coming toward us, very fast.

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