Here, Here

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I sighed dropping my hockey bag near the shoe rack. Bianca gave me a ride home after taking me and Aspen to get ice cream. "Scarlett." My fathers voice came from the kitchen. And the lights switch in revealing him and my mom. "Mom, Dad? Your home. For how long?" I asked shocked. "Not long. We came to give you guys these." They held up more gifts.

"Oh, okay. Well guess what? My hockey team-"

"Not another word of that nonsense!" My father yelled while my mother glared at me. "Made it to the playoffs." I said to myself while walking up the stairs. I walked into my room and flipped the door off after slamming it. Something I do often when ever I'm mad at someone.

"Scar? You in here?" My sisters voice rings out from behind the door. "No." I respond jumping into my bed. "Sounds like you are." My brother laughed.

"Bianca told me you won your game." My sister said as they walked in. "Like you give a shit. You didn't even care enough to come. And Joey, you only ask to look good in front of your preppy ass friends." I said sitting up. "I-" My sister throws her hands up.

"Like you had anything better to do besides someone from the football team." I laughed dryly shaking my head. "You go to their games, though. Right?" She didn't say anything. "Yeah. Get the hell out of my room, bitch."

"Asshole." I slammed the door in their face.

I need to get out of here this summer, I thought sitting in my desk chair. I went to grab the phone and sat in my desk chair. "Hello?"

"Hey, Connie."

"Oh, hey, Scar. What's up?"

"I was wondering what you're doing during the off season, during the summer, y'know. I have a couple camp pamphlets under my bed. If you're up for it, wanna come over and check them out?"

"Yeah! Give me a minute, I'll be right over."

"Alright, I'm gonna call Aspen too, that's cool right?"

"Duh. Oh, and before I go, window of door?"

"Window. The parents are home. Not for long, but we already knew that, though."

"I'm sorry, Scar. I'll be right over. We'll find somewhere good to go this summer. Bye, love you."

"Love you Con."

I grabbed the camp pamphlets and put them under my desk. I dialed Aspen's number and sat back down in my spinning chair. "Hello?"

"B, is that you? Where's Aspen?"

"She's getting a snack, want me to get her for ya?"

"Yeah, thanks, B."

"A.J! The phone. It's scar!"
"Get off my phone, dipshit." I hear Aspen shout on the other end of the phone, making me laugh. "Hello?"

"Hey, A.J. You wanna hang out with me and Connie? We're gonna look at camp pamphlets for the summer."

"Sweet, I'm on my way. Window right?"

"Yup. Love you."

"Bye, love you."

I hung up the phone and unlocked my window, which I had to call someone to fix for me. It costs like 50 bucks to put the screen back in. Can you believe that? I made Connie and Aspen give me 25 dollars each to play since they broke it.

I heard taps at my window and I opened it letting the two girls in.

"Let's look at these camps." The two girls smiled sitting on the bed.


"Alright, so we've narrowed it down to: Camp Nightwing, Eden Armor Hockey, and Camp Slaughter House." Connie said setting down the three booklets for each camp.

"Yeah, let's take camp slaughter hell out of the mix." Aspen laughed throwing the packet onto my bed. "That's too bad, it seemed kinda fun." I sighed jokingly.

"Nightwing sounds boring, plus Eden's got hockey." Aspen pointed to the hockey section on the Eden Armor packet. "Yeah, but do we really wanna play hockey on our break?" Connie said unsure of the idea.

"It's not just a hockey camp. They've got normal stuff, and hockey training for people who want to." Aspen explained showing Connie the camp booklet.

"Yeah. I think that's a win-win, honestly." I  shrugged flipping through the packet while Connie looked over my shoulder. "Hmm, that actually looks pretty fun." Connie smiled looking at the packet. "Camp Eden it is."

"To Camp Eden Armor:" I said holding up a glass of water.

"Here, here!"



short chapter!
I'm thinking of writing a spin-off book of Scarlett's whole camp experience beside just summing it up. And Adams summer. idk if ppl would read that tho. And I'd probably publish it after the series is over just for something extra.

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