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"Guys look it's the North Stars!" Connie beamed as we walked into a huge rink. "Coach, what're we doing here?" I asked. "It's a little play-offs present." He smiled at the team.

"Hey, Gordo! Gordon Bombay, right?"

"Holy shit, Banks. That's Mike Modano and Basil McRae!" I shook Adam's shoulders. "I can see that." He laughed at my excitement. "And they know coach." I squealed jumping up and down a little bit.

"You remember me?"

"Sure, from Pee Wees."

"This guy used to rule in Pee Wees."

"No way." I shook head with a laugh and Bombay glared at me jokingly. "Ducks, this is Basil McRae and Mike Modano."

"No! Really?" I said sarcastically as the team made remarks as well.

"Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about."

"I don't know about that." I raised my eyebrows and everyone laughed. "If you ever want a shot, I'll get you a tryout in the minor-league clubs."

"Oh my god! I think I'm gonna faint." Connie squealed after the walked away. "They're so hot." Aspen sighed dreamily and all the boys looked at her weird. "What? Just because you don't have taste doesn't mean you have to bully mine."

"Alright, let's have some fun!"


We're all sliding around and skating. I had races with multiple people. I won my race with Connie, I lost my race with Aspen because she tripped me, I won against Charlie, then won three races with Adam.

"Come on, no fair! You're cheating." He whined like a baby. "No, I'm just good. Stop being such a sore loser." I stuck my tongue out and skated away.

Me and Tammy tried to teach Aspen, Connie, Guy, and Averman how to figure skate, but that didn't end up every well.

"How the hell did you do that?"


"Why is everything spinning?"

"Why is there three Scarletts?"?

After that we all danced around and then everyone started to slide on their knees and stomach.


Now we're all watching North Stars the game and I'm sitting in the middle of Adam who is on the end on the row, and Aspen who forced me to sit next to her because she didn't want Goldberg there.

The jumbotron said, 'Welcome, Gordon Bombay & The Ducks.' We all started cheering and clapping. "Guys, look!" I exclaimed pointing to the big board.



Adam started to hide himself, so I followed his gaze over to Larson and McGill who were shooting finger guns at him. I sighed and mouthed, "Go fuck yourself." Then flipped them off. They just rolled their eyes and sat down.

"Wow, thanks." Adam laughed looking at me. "Anytime, Banks." I smiled looking back towards the game.


"Hey, Banksie." I said jumping into his bedroom from the window. It's kind of a daily occurrence to just visit each other through the windows. "God, Anderson. You scared me."

"Watcha doing?" I asked walking over to his desk. "Having a party, it's like super crazy." He joked while I sat in his desk chair. "It's not party with out me."

"So, uh. I kinda wanted to ask you something." He said nervously. "Shoot." I spun around on the chair to face him. "So, we've been spending a lot of time with each other lately. And you finally are able to tolerate me..." he joked making me laugh.

"So, will my girlfriend." He said really quickly. "Hm, I might have to think on it." I sighed smiling. He frowned and nodded, "I don't do labels and that cute couple shit but, yes, Banks. I will be your girlfriend." I laughed and he jumped up and hugged me.

"Jeez, finally. You don't know how long I've been telling him to do that." Claire said walking into Adam's room making me laugh. "Get out, Claire!" Adam said throw a pillow at the now empty doorway. "Loser!" I heard Claire yell from the hall way while she ran down the steps.


"And then he kissed me. It all happened so fast. We kinda just leaned in and he did it." I shrugged. I'm telling the whole story to Connie and Aspen, who were watching the whole thing from my window. Apparently they came over to hang out, but they saw me climb into Adam's room, so they decided to watch from my window. I think that's pretty creepy but, oh well.

"Oh my god!"

"That's so cute!"

"Yeah, but enough about that. We have play-offs to worry about." I said sitting down on my bed. "Ah, she's back. The Scarlett who never lets anything come between her and hockey." Connie rolled her eyes making Aspen laugh. "Listen, we all know Adam's not letting me affect his playing so why should I let him affect mine?"

"I'm convinced you love hockey more than life." Aspen said and Connie agreed. "I mean, yeah pretty much." I shrugged while they both laughed.


We're hanging out in Aspen's room now. We moved over to her house because my brother came home with his stupid loud friends.

"Scarlett Anderson!" Bianca yelled running into Aspen's room. "Jesus, B. What?" I said jumping up from the bed.

"Bianca get the hell out!" Aspen yelled while Connie just waved at her."How dare you not tell me about your boyfriend!" She said sitting on the bed with us. "That happened like ten minutes ago, how did you find out?"

"I have my ways. Now tell me everything."


that was honestly rlly awkward to write but I guess it's supposed to be awkward? they're supposed to be like 11/12 so it's gonna be awkward. Also I'm just rlly bad at writing cute stuff sooo

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