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4 years ago - THE PAST

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4 years ago - THE PAST

"Ohmyfuckinggod Aaliya we did it!"

"I know," I grinned at the sound of my best friend's voice behind me as her arms landed around my waist, squeezing me in a side hug.

"Can you actually believe that we got through four years of college?" Mira continued, her excitement rubbing off on me.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" I replied wistfully. "No more living in dorms. No more microwaveable meals. I guess you could say that it's the start of a new phase of our lives."

"Yeah, you could say that." Mira rested her head on my shoulder as we both looked at the people milling around us, lost in celebrating our graduation. Some were hugging their friends, crying about how they would miss them. Others were excitedly taking pictures with their families. Seeing so many happy faces sent a pang straight to my heart. While I was happy to be finally done with college - four years of hard work, sweat and tears literally - I was also sad to let go of this place that I'd considered home for so long. It was made sadder by the fact that my parents weren't here to celebrate. Apparently, a distant relative's wedding was much more important than their own daughter's graduation ceremony.

I pushed down the feeling of disappointment and bitterness as my hand tightened around Mira's. I should be used to feeling this way by now. But the fact still remained that I was never and would never be my parents' priority despite being their only child. Loneliness had been a close friend of mine for years. Constantly hopping from one country to another due to my father's job definitely hadn't helped matters either. It wasn't until college when I finally found my roots with my two best friends Mira and Oliver.

"What are you two depressed grandmas doing here alone, creepily watching other people?" As if I had conjured up the devil himself, Oliver's voice came from beside me as he slung his arm around my shoulders. I fought a wince at his words, knowing that they actually hit a little too close to home for me.

"You're one to talk. Shouldn't you be chatting it up with Felicity? Since, you know, she's been glued to your side for over half the ceremony?" Mira's snide voice broke my train of thought as she side eyed Oli.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He taunted her as she huffed out an annoyed breath.

"You wish, you jerk." She snapped as Oli laughed, enjoying their interaction way too much.

"Uh oh, careful, Mimi. Your territorial side is showing."

I muffled a laugh as Mira let go of me to shove Oli, which obviously led to them getting into it like small children. I would never understand their dynamic. It had been this way since I'd first met them four years ago. Mira and Oliver were childhood friends who'd grown up together and been neighbors, yet they'd bicker like an old couple most of the time. Oli obviously enjoyed provoking Mira and her being the masochist that she is, she'd give in to his antics. I suppressed a sigh at their banter, longing for someone to be that way with me because, despite them arguing a whole load, anyone with a pair of eyes and a functioning brain could see how much they loved each other and were protective of the other.

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