Chapter Eighteen

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Godfuckingdammit. I'd given Tina one responsibility and she'd managed to fuck that up. We were due to go to a fintech convention in a couple of days and I'd found out that that woman had conveniently forgotten to book our tickets and our hotel rooms. Just fucking amazing.

"How could you forget," I emphasised the word as I clenched my teeth in irritation, "something as important as this, Tina? You know how much is riding on this convention for the company. I'm a guest speaker there for fuck's sake!" I ran a frustrated hand through my hair as I tried to sort things out. I'd emailed Tina a few days back to check in, and she'd said that she'd been on it. And now, five minutes ago, when I'd approached her and asked her to send our booking confirmation, she'd dropped this bomb on me.

First things first though. I needed to book flight tickets. Stat.

"Sorry, Neil. Like I said, the workload has been a bit too much these days. It just slipped my mind." Tina shrugged nonchalantly as if she didn't have a care in the world. Because of course she didn't. I was this close to firing her at this point. But I wasn't that kind of boss. I liked to think that I was patient and gave chances to people - no matter how much of a homewrecking cunt they were. My personal and professional life was separate and I had no intention of changing that, especially now. So I'd keep my wits about me and hopefully manage to not sack her sorry ass right the fuck now.

"That's a bullshit excuse and you know it too Tina." I muttered as I simultaneously scrolled the screen, huffing out an annoyed breath as I saw that all the upcoming flights to Denver were full. I was ever ready to compromise and fly Delta - that's how desperate I was. But unfortunately, life wasn't on my side and thought of this as some cruel joke. "Fuck!" I cursed as my head fell back.

"Well, let me know if there's anything I can do to help." Tina muttered before a clacking sound echoed in the room and the door to my office closed. Thank fuck that she'd left when she did because I probably would have wrung her neck for the words she'd just said.

"Hey Neil I -

My head snapped forward as a confused looking Aaliya stood in my doorway. "Is everything alright?"

"Not really." I sighed. "Remember that fintech convention we have to be at? Yeah, Tina from HR forgot to book our tickets for it and now all the flights are full."


"Seriously." I replied as she took a seat in the chair in front of me, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"Maybe I could help."

"Short of magically making all those bookings disappear, I don't think there's anything you could do, Aaliya." I laughed dryly as I stretched back in my chair. "Seems like I'm going to have to email the organisers and let them know we won't be able to make it."

"No, Neil. Listen." Aaliya leaned forward, a glimmer in her eye. "I could really help. I've got a contact in the airline industry that could help us out. Well, technically he's my friend's contact. But I'm sure that some bookings might open up due to cancellations."

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