Chapter Twenty Five

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I stepped into Neil's cabin, closing the door behind me

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I stepped into Neil's cabin, closing the door behind me.

"What -

"Did you tell him?" Neil was in my face, effectively cutting me off as his hands cradled my jaw. I knew Neil didn't like me going out with another man, but I didn't think it would affect him this much. "Did you say no?"

"Neil," I grabbed his face gently. "Look at me, baby." The term of endearment just slipped out without thinking. I'd never referred to anyone as baby before because it had felt too corny. But in this moment? It felt right somehow. "You good?" I asked as his forehead touched mine.

"Yeah," he said gruffly. "I just...the thought of you with another man practically makes me homicidal." He admitted as his eyes opened, staring straight into mine.

"I could say the same. Thinking about you with another woman makes me particularly stabby as well."

"You know that there's been no else since you, right?"

My heart thudded in my chest as I let the severity of his confession sink in. Logically, I knew that we hadn't been monogamously casual back then, but it was a relief to know that there hadn't been another woman. Just like there hadn't been another man for me.

"I know." My face softened as I smiled at him. "There's been no else for me either."

His chest caved with a relieved sigh as we took a moment and just stood there, our hearts beating against each other and our breaths aligned.

"Fuck," he cursed as he hands found purchase on my hips. "I need you so bad right now, mon soleil."

"I need you too." I whispered, leaning forward to capture his lips. But before I could, the phone on his desk rang as Neil huffed out a laugh.

"Perfect fucking timing."

"Tell me about it." I said, frustrated. But I still gave his chest a light push, telling him to pick it up. "I'll see you later. Once everyone's left."

His hands turned to fists, but he finally let me go - albeit reluctantly. I closed the door behind me, shaking myself out of the fog of lust, knowing that it wasn't just that.


I heaved a sigh of relief as one of my colleagues waved goodbye to me - the last person to leave the office now at 6pm. Tina had left way earlier since she'd taken a half day today, and thank fuck for that. I didn't want that nosy bitch catching onto anything. Ever since she'd talked to me in the bathroom stall, she'd been looking at me funny. Sometimes even smirking at me which, to be honest, unnerved me. But she didn't know shit. And she certainly didn't have any proof. Otherwise she'd be gloating and throwing it in our faces right now. Something told me that she wasn't a huge fan of Neil and I.

"Hey." I muttered as I entered Neil's office, locking the door behind me and double checking to make sure.

"Hi." He smiled. "I missed you." Neil surged forward, ready to capture me in his arms and kiss me, but I stopped him with a hand on his arm.

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