Chapter 26

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It was late when Julie's teleporter returned her to the edge of Midnight Moon. She was on her way to the pack house when she heard the sounds coming from the hall. She always loved nights like those and her feet walked towards the scene even though she was exhausted. Perhaps Austin would be there, though he usually avoided the hall when there were crowds.

She paused in the doorway, leaning against the post and glancing around the room. Camden was telling his stories again, something he was especially good at. Her eyes flitted past the tables, looking for either Austin or Sky.

She almost missed him. She was looking for someone sitting alone, but when she at last spotted her chosen mate, he was sitting very cosily beside another woman. Julie cocked her head and studied her. Was it his mate? Had to be. From that angle, Julie could only see the woman's light-coloured hair and she found herself wondering if the woman was pretty – not that it mattered. She could be the ugliest werewolf in history and the mate bond would still make Austin think she was beautiful.

It was strange, but when she looked at Austin and his mate, she felt shame. She couldn't be angry, that wouldn't have been right. After all, she was the one who had told him to get to know his mate. That they would get along this well and this soon was not what she had expected, but she didn't have a right to complain after pushing them together in the first place. Of course that hadn't exactly been a voluntary decision, but she had to live with the consequences all the same. Rather than anger, therefore, it was shame that creeped through her body. Shame that she was watching them, shame that she'd had other expectations, shame that everybody was watching the same thing as her.

Her cheeks flamed and she wanted to turn and leave, but somehow her feet kept her pinned to the spot. What if Austin turned around and saw her? That would be awkward for sure. She frowned at herself. Would it be? Surely she did have a right to stand there. Or did she? Should she leave them alone to whatever was going on between them? Surely no one would expect her to give up that easily. But what was she giving up, if he moved on this quickly? But no, she shouldn't get ahead of herself. She might be reading into things that weren't there.

"Julie." Sky popped up beside her, a smile pulling at her lips.

Julie blinked, pulling herself away from her ruminations, and turned her head towards Sky, forcing a smile on her own lips in reply. She could not help, however, that her eyes found their way back to Austin only seconds later. Sky followed her gaze, her smile faltering.

"Let's get out of here," she said, nodding outside.

Julie followed in silence. The pressure on her head that she hadn't been aware of wore off when they got farther removed from the hall. The cold night air hit her hard after the warmth of the hall and cleared her mind.

"I'm glad you're back."

"I fear you'll be the only one," Julie said, digging her nails into the leather band of the bag she was carrying.

"Nonsense." Sky paused. "I saw you looking at Austin and Ryleigh just now. I assume you might have some questions about them."

"Ryleigh? That's her name?"

"Yes. Interesting character. You should hear all the stuff she pulled since she got here. It's no surprise King Alder considered her dangerous."

"Really?" She looked back at the hall as though she would be able to see them through the walls. "She looked pretty innocent to me."

"Looks can be deceiving. She broke out once and fought me, ripped open my side." Sky lifted her shirt, showing Julie the scars. "She's a good fighter, though weakened. She's been silvered more times than most people would survive. Four times by the king, once by Conall."

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