Chapter 37

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It had been over three weeks since Austin had last set foot in Alder's castle. And what weeks they had been.

His teleporter delivered him on top of the hill where the castle stood. The building rose up high above the woods – a beacon for everyone within the territory to see. It was built on top of the highest hill in the Royal Wolves territory, sticking out above everything else, the tips of the towers shrouded in clouds. The woods started at the foot of the hill, with buildings built all along the slope – a whole city built on an angle.

"Wait here for me," he told his teleporter, and set himself in motion towards the edifice. There were places he'd rather be. In fact, there were few places he wouldn't rather be. The castle was imposing, and the atmosphere was one of strictness and etiquette. Austin liked rules, but there were too many and he could never remember them all.

Alder was already expecting him, so the guards gave him no trouble when he arrived at the entrance. He gave his name, they searched him – another thing he despised – and then another guard escorted him inside.

"The king will receive you in his study, Beta," the guard said, as though Austin could be bothered to care where he had this conversation. He nodded and followed, his eyes flitting around to take in as much art and architecture as he could. He had never seen human castles, but he imagined that if a human were to wander into this building by mistake, they wouldn't soon guess they were in werewolf territory.

It occurred to him he had never seen the king shift, nor prince Aaron or the queen, and he wondered if they ever did. Somehow he could hardly imagine it, and he pitied their wolves.

"Right in here, Beta." The guard halted and nodded towards two mahogany doors. Another pair of guards was stationed beside it, one of which knocked and slipped inside the room to announce Austin's arrival.

Ellis liked to stand on ceremony, but that was nothing like this. Austin moved his weight from one feet to the other, glancing around him once more. It was the first time he had gone to the castle unaccompanied. He usually had Ellis to do the talking for him. Not this time, though, and that was a good thing. For once, Austin had plenty to say.

"You may enter," the guard said, returning. He beckoned and, sucking in a quick breath, Austin went in.

Even though Alder was past his prime, he was still imposing. Grey had only just started invading on his dark hair, and his features were still sharp. Two piercing blue eyes resided above a strong nose; his shoulders were broad, his frame tall. He was an alpha if Austin had ever seen one, and he hardly knew how to meet the man's gaze.

Alder smiled, and his stern face broke into friendliness. He rose from his desk and approached Austin, shaking his hand and clasping a hand on his shoulder. "It's good to see you again, Austin," he said. "Please, sit." He gestured to a chair across from his desk and Austin found his feet moving there.

"Thank you for receiving me," he said, setting himself down.

Alder returned to his own seat and nodded. "Of course. I always have time for your family. I assume you're here to discuss your mate."

Austin inclined his head. "Yes."

"How long has she been with you now? Has to be close to a month."

"Three weeks. A bit more."

Alder leant back in his chair, regarding Austin. "So, how are things going? I remember you were quite hesitant."

How were things going? Julie had dumped him, which meant all of it had been for nothing. Taking Ryleigh back to Midnight Moon, getting to know her, trying with all his might to fight the mate bond – it had all been for Julie, and now that Julie was done with him, there was no reason to be doing any of it at all.

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